The online racing simulator
Very LOW Fram rate but mint piture
(36 posts, started )
Very LOW Fram rate but mint piture
Hi i need help when i go to play LFS it loads up ok but wheni go to race i get like 1.3 - 1.5 frame rate any help. i have a dell with pentium 4 it's a OPTIPLEX GX240 is that any help realy need help thanks in advance

here is my Computer Secs:

Microsoft Windows XP
Version 2002
Service Pack 3

Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.60GHz
1.59 GHz, 284 MB of RAM
Any more detailed specs of your machine? Quick googling revealed that GX240 is most likely office PC - the one I found has 1.8GHz CPU and ATI Rage graphics card, which are very poor specs. Anyway, you can try following things: Check your background processes and shut down all unneeded; check your CPU temperature, tools like SpeedFan can help; turn all graphics settings in options to low... but I'm afraid that you need a better PC to be able to play LFS well..
Your from UK and i've seen people who live in diffrent countrys make more sence then you lol

Go to my computer right click, click properties and tell us the computer specs
I assume you meant that your PC is Dell OPTIPLEX GX240 and what I could find with google is that it's just slow. It's CPU isn't that good, there's not much memory and the graphics card is really bad. It's not suited for gaming really. You could try to use lower resolution and turning different graphics settings to as low as possible.
What screen resolution are you running LFS at ?
do you have AA enabled?
is it the same windowed as fullscreen?
Sounds like a HW restriction are you turning off all other programs and taskbar items when you run LFS?
do you know how to reduce GFX detail?
What FPS do you get in other games?

i don't know what resolution i'm running but i can tell you that when i play it i or try 2 play as the case mayb i can see the window bar with the minimise and maximise and X and no not all items are off and my half life and AOE II work perfectly and i'm not sure if all the GFX detail are at minium
If you run LFS go to options then "screen" will tell you what res you are running in white. try it at 800X600 @60Hz, just to test
click options "graphics" to see if your running AA or not.

Shift+F4 will toggle you in and out of fullscreen and windowed.

what is AA sorry i have 2 ask some1
thats ok it means Anti -Aliasing basically its just a graphics option that smooths jagged lines and edges, it can make the picture look great, but it requires alot of processing power and if you have "shared graphics" or an older dedicated GFX card, can really impact FPS alot.

ok well i'll do that, oh yeah erm my grahics card says something like can't suport 3d or somethin like that in the graphics options 1 more thing how do i get the little bit under the comment like yours because i would like to put Green And White's DanTheBangerBoy my brother in law somehting like that Thank You
Your computer will not play LFS with good quality graphics smoothly. You will have to turn down the graphics of LFS until you upgrade.
We have these PCs in our IT lab in school, that was built at least 6 years ago (I've been here 6 years and they were there when I joined). They are terrible at even normal everyday tasks, I wouldn't expect much from them in any game TBH (Now the CAD lab is another story, 30x XPS 640's )

All you can do is turn everything down to the lowest (don't worry about AA/AF, I don't think the onboards chip in them supports it), and play in 800x600. It won't be pretty, and you won't have massive frame rates. But it should be playable then There isn't really anything else you can do apart from add more RAM, which should help a bit (onboards GFX + low RAM = fail). Changing the CPU might be an option if you found a cheap replacement. P4s are good for 3.0Ghz-ish on those sockets I think, so it's an option at least
If you have an older maybe shared GFX, you may need a better PC to get really good 30+ FPS or you will have to run with very minimum GFX settings, a good test would be to play in single player mode with only your car on the track, FPS will decrease with every extra car that is displ;ayed.

but if your GFX says it can't do 3D then other games would also run really slow if at all.

To get an avatar (the little pic under my name) and a signature (the clickable bit under the line under all my posts, all you need to do is upgrade your LFS account to S2. full info here

This also unlocks all the extra cars and tracks.

Quote from dougie-lampkin :We have these PCs in our IT lab in school, that was built at least 6 years ago (I've been here 6 years and they were there when I joined). They are terrible at even normal everyday tasks, I wouldn't expect much from them in any game TBH (Now the CAD lab is another story, 30x XPS 640's )

All you can do is turn everything down to the lowest (don't worry about AA/AF, I don't think the onboards chip in them supports it), and play in 800x600. It won't be pretty, and you won't have massive frame rates. But it should be playable then There isn't really anything else you can do apart from add more RAM, which should help a bit (onboards GFX + low RAM = fail). Changing the CPU might be an option if you found a cheap replacement. P4s are good for 3.0Ghz-ish on those sockets I think, so it's an option at least

I have 512 ram
It says 284MB in the OP, sorry
i have 512 tho, did ya know danthebangerboy is my brother in law but anyway i'll do everything ppl have told me 2 do so i can hopefully play it and thanks 2 every1 who have givin me help
i'll try get a better graphics card
#17 - wild
I presume if you have a 512MB stick in your computer that your shared GFX card is using 256 mb?
Quote from wild :I presume if you have a 512MB stick in your computer that your shared GFX card is using 256 mb?

No i think i have two sticks 2 make up 512mb you see i have a low spec card the small my pc don't take standard cards
Well... Even if you have 512 Mb it's very low amount nowadays too.

And as I can see you're from UK, please write better language, your writing is pain in the ass to read.
You have ash, there are 2x256mb sticks in there mate, although why windows is only showing 284mb is very strange.

The GFX card is a little 64 or 32mb card, which will cause the FPS to be pants.

I have managed to source an asus 256mb graphics card in the correct AGP Small Form Factor size as a normal AGP is too big for the case, but it is in the USA.

Ill see what else i can find ash.
Quote from SparkyDave :If you have an older maybe shared GFX, you may need a better PC to get really good 30+ FPS or you will have to run with very minimum GFX settings, a good test would be to play in single player mode with only your car on the track, FPS will decrease with every extra car that is displ;ayed.

but if your GFX says it can't do 3D then other games would also run really slow if at all.

To get an avatar (the little pic under my name) and a signature (the clickable bit under the line under all my posts, all you need to do is upgrade your LFS account to S2. full info here

This also unlocks all the extra cars and tracks.


sorry i didn't see your reply here but my other games run perfectly i have done all what every1 has said but still no luck mayb i just need 2 get more ram and better graphics card hey
I think LFS is actually not very graphically intensive at all, its all DX8, there is more stress on the cpu doing all the physics.

If other 3D games run at a reasonable FPS then LFS should also, and Ive seen it run on really old PCs with a few settings tweaked.

Try renaiming your cfg file (located in the main LFS folder) to cfgold and paste in the one below, its the (minimum cfg from lfsbench) then restart LFS and see how many FPS you get.

While your in the LFS folder if you open cardcfg with notepad it should tell you what GFX card you have, might be worth trying a different driver.

as for upgrading, spending good money on an old PC would probably not give the fps return that saving that money for a more modern power PC would, However I think LFS will run on your machine with some adjustments, and maybe turning off some background processes

Attached files
cfg.txt - 3.2 KB - 184 views
What other games do you play? You already mentioned Half-Life and Age Of Empires 2, but those are very old games and don't need a good computer to run.

Yes, LFS is one of the easy games to run for the PC, but it's many times more demanding than those two.
Quote from danthebangerboy :You have ash, there are 2x256mb sticks in there mate, although why windows is only showing 284mb is very strange.

The GFX card is a little 64 or 32mb card, which will cause the FPS to be pants.

I have managed to source an asus 256mb graphics card in the correct AGP Small Form Factor size as a normal AGP is too big for the case, but it is in the USA.

Ill see what else i can find ash.

Sorry Dan i didn't see your reply there thank you for having a look Dan
But what can i do?
i had fps like 30
but now its down to 12 when im alone
and when im next to other racers
its only 3 or 4
my computer:
CPU 2.8 GHZ, 256MB RAM
Geforce 5200FX (Interface: AGP, AGP 8x - Card Chipset: Nvidia - Installed Memory: 256MB - Memory Interface: 128 bit)