I thought of getting one, but there's only one revolution each way on the G25 so there isn't much point...I'm considering getting one for my IRL car though, which seems to have over 9000 degrees when trying to park
Well it seems that 9,3 is quite a natural response Anyone know what the 2 lumps on the wheel is for then? I'm guessing it's for rally/drift racers for the added grip .
I think that was his point, ie. "it's a dog in the picture, but I use a cat" (although I could be wrong). More importantly-what a freaky looking dog. Cover up it's snout and it's a bloody cat.
Where were we? Ah yes, I use 9-3 but I never realised until I read this thread. I also just realised that I spend too much time with one hand on the gear stick (and picking my nose at the lights).
By the way, what is this 9-3 you all talk about? I just can't understand which holding position is that
Could anyone take a picture? Or maybe explain how do you count this.
It helps me when changing gear, while I only drive with left hand. If you try to steer right your hand tends to slip up, but with that protuberance you could make force to turn the wheel
9-3 with hands wrapped usually too tightly around the wheel, relax Tim! 9 with hand and 3 with just my thumb when shifting, use my fingers to nudge the dfp shifter when changing up gear. Whole hand on (gear :razz knob when changing down, of course!