Home Track League
(62 posts, started )

Poll : How do you like this idea?

Closed since :
i dont like this
Meh, i dont know.
Still open for signups, choose your favorite car and track

you other guys: Please dont post here if you dont want to join or ask a question about the league
Come on guys you can choose whatevver you want! UF1 with full restiction and on AS Grand Prix xD
Real Name:Eimantas
LFS Account:Oldanvy
LFS Racername:SRLT E.Kasperiunas
Most wanted number:11
Car/track combination:Fe1/XRG
Real Name:Edvinas
LFS Account:Edvis-m
LFS Racername:SRLT E.Marcinkevic.
Most wanted number:22
Car/track combination:So1rev./XRT
maybe it would help to get more racers
Server name will be HomeTrackLeague
Guys, i would like to have more people in
Quote from aroX123 :Guys, i would like to have more people in

We all would like that uz leagemakerz
Real Name: Dave

LFS Account: g7usl

Racername: Ferrari Dave

Most wanted Number: 1

Track: West Hill

Car: BF1.
The race is this friday, dont forget it
The qualifying and race will be breadcasted by rockclan
There will be no race if details of the multiplayer server are witheld!!!
The server is open without password
I will be therez to be flippingh teh crazhed driverz
Quote from Vinnylegends :I will be therez to be flippingh teh crazhed driverz

Could you translate that into English?
Quote from g7usl :Could you translate that into English?

I will be there flipping the crashed drivers
'Flipping the crashed drivers'. The word 'Flipping'=Slang for tipping over. Is that what you mean?

What makes you believe that out of 6 drivers, there will be any crashes?
Quote from g7usl :'Flipping the crashed drivers'. The word 'Flipping'=Slang for tipping over. Is that what you mean?

What makes you believe that out of 6 drivers, there will be any crashes?

You never know.
Ask lerts...
Quote from aroX123 :Not really me that made this


-When signing in you can choose one car and one track combination that will be used in this league.
-Qualifying and Races will be every friday.
-Points will be the same as F1.
-Laps of your car/track combination will be figured out later on.
-Qualifying will start 19:30 GMT+1 to 19:50, then a 10 min break/warm-up.
-Race time will be 20:00. GMT+1
-Race date is 6th March then every friday after that.
-Server name will be HomeTrackLeague
This could be changed
-Dont spec/go pit during race.
-Wear your chosen number and your real name. Like this: #88 Jarl Teien
-Follow the safety-car at normal speed
-Respect blue flag
-Allways look after what the safety-car says.
-If you crash people for fun, you are kicked out of the league
-Please, after the race, go at a redused pace and carefull to pits. (dont go spec)
-The Top3 people will go carefully to the start finish line for a photo.
-You have to do one pit-stop

Needed persons:

*One Taken*
- 1 Marshall. If a guy is upside down or stuck, then you guys will try help him.
Car for marshalls will be RB4, but if it is a race with RB4 then the car will be FXO.
Your name will be [MH] [Name]

- Safety car. Having all the F1 - F8 buttons for. Yellow flag, Safety car out, safety car in this lap, green flag.
Car for Safety car will be FXR, but if it is a race with FXR then it will be XRR.
Your name will be [SC] [name]

-Live Streaming commentator(you dont HAVE to talk)
Having a insim so other people can watch.
Your name will be Live Streamer

To join you'll fill in this:

Real Name:
LFS Account:
LFS Racername:
Most wanted number:
Car/track combination:

Maximum people that can choose Car-Track is 12. So any more people signing after that wont be able to choose Car-Track.

If you want to join as a needed person then fill in this:
LFS Account:
LFS Racername:
What will you do:

Ask if you need more information!

Signed in:
Real Name: Jarl Teien
LFS Account: Arox123
LFS Racername: -TRR- AroX
Most wanted number: #88
Car/track combination: BF1/KY2 (changed from FE3)

( Not Joining, he is now a live stream commentator )
Real Name: Walter Lemmens
LFS Account: Rockclan
LFS Racername: -TRR- Rocky7up
Most wanted number: #7
Car/track combination: XFG/BL1

LFS Account: Willem-racer
LFS Racername: Tommy
What will you do: Be a Safety car

LFS Account: VinnyLegends
LFS Racername: <OM> Wash
What will you do: Uhm.... Be a marshall?

Real Name:Stefan Alfons
LFS Account:Stefani24
LFS Racername:[ER]S.Alfons
Most wanted number:666
Car/track combination:FBM/Fe4

Real Name:Eimantas
LFS Account:Oldanvy
LFS Racername:SRLT E.Kasperiunas
Most wanted number:11
Car/track combination:Fe1/XRG

Real Name:Edvinas
LFS Account:Edvis-m
LFS Racername:SRLT E.Marcinkevic.
Most wanted number:22
Car/track combination:So1rev./XRT

Real Name: Dave
LFS Account: g7usl
Racername: Ferrari Dave
Most wanted Number: 1
Track: WestHill
Car: BF1.

1st. 6th March, BF1 on Kyoto National. Laps: 38 (changed from FE3)
2nd. 13th March, XFG on Blackwood GP. Laps: 28
3rd. 20th March, FBM on Fernbay Black. Laps: 20
4th. 27th March, XRG on Fernbay club. Laps: 45
5th. 3rd April, XRT on SouthCity classic. Laps: 39
6th. 10th April, BF1 on Westhill Laps: 43
7th. 17th april,

I would favour Kyoto Grand PRix Long, to KY2
Real Name: Christian Barnick
LFS Account: majorchrille
LFS Racername: 1stBFAChris
Most wanted number: #96
Car/track combination: BF1/KY2 (changed from FE3)
what time of race???
-Qualifying will start 19:30 GMT+1 to 19:50, then a 10 min break/warm-up.
-Race time will be 20:00. GMT+1

Thats in 3 hours from now
Sorry, I will not be present at the race.
Havent got enough time because I'm quite busy

Home Track League
(62 posts, started )