Hi, can someone make me a stock 2001 mustang with the grilles, badges, extra lights, trims etc. I tried myself, and it is not pretty. I am currently working on new light DDS files for a 2001 mustang, so the complete skin would be great.
http://images.google.co.uk/ima ... G=Search+Images&gbv=2
If someone kindly takes their time to help me make this, could you perhaps make it and release it in a layered PSD bodykit, so that myself and others can use it to make future skins. Many thanks in advance, alex
http://images.google.co.uk/ima ... G=Search+Images&gbv=2
If someone kindly takes their time to help me make this, could you perhaps make it and release it in a layered PSD bodykit, so that myself and others can use it to make future skins. Many thanks in advance, alex