Verbal abuse on LFS servers!!!
Hi all,

I've been around for a while now and I love this game. I also consider myself a fair racer. Sure, an accidental crash here and there, but as far as I know no one ever complained about me.

One thing I cannot stand is being abused by other racers on the internet servers!!!

The latest incident involved me voting to ban one guy that called himself "LICK MY BALLS SACK", just because of his name. I think that this is not an appropriate nickname for anyone to have! Well not only have I been told "**** you, you ****ing piece of ****", but the guy in question also renamed himself as "I ****ed Roccivic's mum" and crashed me on purpose at the next lap.

I'm pretty sure nothing can be done about this, as I think this is just an immature kid on a demo licence, but this is none the less unacceptable!!!

Where does LFS stand on verbal abuse???
so, you voted to ban someone simply because of their name, and then you were surprised that they started calling you names? maybe i read the post incorrectly.
Your completely right, I have gotten that a lot not only on demo server's but in S2 server's as well. Its completely wrong and disturbing what most people say or make their names.

EDIT: Gabkicks, people with a name like LICK MY BALL SACK deserve Kick/Ban vote. What if you had a son playing this game or something would you honestly want his seeing disgusting stuff like that?.
Quote from Roccivic :Where does LFS stand on verbal abuse???

I will start this post by saying that;
  1. I am not employed by the LFS developers
  2. I do not know the official stance of the LFS developers
  3. I am not a lawyer
However, I am fairly confident that the LFS stance is the same as every other online multiplayer game producer - if it's not on an official server (which it wasn't), and it isn't affecting multiple servers, then it is up to the person(s) running that server to dictate policy.
IMO this is a lifeless kid with too much complexes that has nowhere else to show. Common situations have happened a lot of times to a lot of people and sadly I don't think that there is any way to control this except if he acts like this in all servers and people keep on reporting him to the server admins, but it will still slow him down with only 30 days(I mean if he gets enough bans for a global one). And more if he is a demo racer it won't even slow him down as he would probably make a new account.

Anyway, mate, life is unfair :P .... I say just don't mind those noobs. They don't deserve that attention

Edit: lol 3 replies.. there were none when i started to write this(im getting old) :P
I mean, unless you are admin, starting a vote on someone who obviously has trolling/wrecking in mind is going to make him attack you.
#7 - Byku
Agree... furthermore... he was a dushbag .
#8 - J@tko
Sadly there are far too many immature little bastards on LFS Servers these days. Even from when I got S2 there's been an increase

IMO inappropriate nicknames and inappropriate numberplates are a kickable offense and I will do it on NDR.

Which, [plug] is back from the hells of oval racing [/plug]
FUnny thing is, they even reveal themselves once in a blue moonin iRacing. its sad/hillarious hearing grown men calling eachother names and arguing, and then they dissapear because they've obviously been reported by other racers.
What's up with these offended people lately? There has been a sudden influx of these "this and that offends me and I wish them to be removed" threads.

Few things:
1. Words never hurt anybody.
2. Offending words are not the devs business to deal with. Server owners may decide to kick or ban people with offending names, but they may also choose not to. It's their server after all.
3. It would be impossible to make this game offend-proof. There would always be a way to bypass the limitations and it's simply too much trouble for too small gain.
4. It's your responsibility to raise your children, not a game developers. Also you can't shield your children from everything, only thing you can do is to teach them not to be dicks.
5. Just ignore people who offend you.
#11 - senn
as the warnings on most games say nowadays -

"Game Experience May Change During Online Play"

and agreed, its the parents job to raise their kids, if you don't want your kids seeing that kind of thing, don't let them play.
Quote from geeman1 :What's up with these offended people lately? There has been a sudden influx of these "this and that offends me and I wish them to be removed" threads.

Few things:
1. Words never hurt anybody.
2. Offending words are not the devs business to deal with. Server owners may decide to kick or ban people with offending names, but they may also choose not to. It's their server after all.
3. It would be impossible to make this game offend-proof. There would always be a way to bypass the limitations and it's simply too much trouble for too small gain.
4. It's your responsibility to raise your children, not a game developers. Also you can't shield your children from everything, only thing you can do is to teach them not to be dicks.
5. Just ignore people who offend you.

I absolutely agree.

...and if I don't like playing somewhere, I go to another server. If many people would do that, then the more reasonable server-owners (or admins) would take action to eliminate such offensive behaviour. The only problem here is that people have absolutely nothing from running a server. If it was paid in some form (server exclusive track-side ads, for example), the owners would be much more motivated to maintain a certain level of gameplay there.
Quote from Roccivic :

I'm pretty sure nothing can be done about this, as I think this is just an immature kid on a demo licence, but this is none the less unacceptable!!!

Hi Rocci
Yes this kind of thing is pretty annoying, I've just recently set up a couple of servers of my own and it doesn't take long for these people to find you. It's very interesting to see this from the admin side of the fence, and have been working out how best to wield my "banhammer". I have installed Airio on some pretty strict settings with tips from EQ Worry (the same tracker as on the AA servers) which is quite good at finding troublemakers but it does throw up a few false positives (I think J@tko has had that sort of trouble on NDR too), so it needs careful tweaking and also some clear rules so the racer can't say he wasn't warned in advance. I did wonder if there might be a case for some sort of master list of problem users - a bit like one of the Spamhaus spammer block lists - that server admins can choose to subscribe to and post updates to. Maybe it's something that could be added to Airio. Then with some options in the configuration, someone entering a server who has been banned elsewhere could carry that ban or some element of it with them on to other Airio servers.
Quote from geeman1 :What's up with these offended people lately? There has been a sudden influx of these "this and that offends me and I wish them to be removed" threads.

Few things:
1. Words never hurt anybody.
2. Offending words are not the devs business to deal with. Server owners may decide to kick or ban people with offending names, but they may also choose not to. It's their server after all.
3. It would be impossible to make this game offend-proof. There would always be a way to bypass the limitations and it's simply too much trouble for too small gain.
4. It's your responsibility to raise your children, not a game developers. Also you can't shield your children from everything, only thing you can do is to teach them not to be dicks.
5. Just ignore people who offend you.


This post should be a MOTD on every server
Quote from modelmotorracing :I did wonder if there might be a case for some sort of master list of problem users - a bit like one of the Spamhaus spammer block lists - that server admins can choose to subscribe to and post updates to. Maybe it's something that could be added to Airio. Then with some options in the configuration, someone entering a server who has been banned elsewhere could carry that ban or some element of it with them on to other Airio servers.

Hi, there. Answering from my perspective, that would certainly be possible, but it also carries some risks that may be hard to solve. First, you certainly do not want every ban to be applied in Airio globally, not even a special type of ban. The option would have to be limited to a few trusted, specified people. Second, it may also create complicated situations when you generally accept the global ban principle, but do not want it applied to some people you know. Exceptions list, eh, complication. Third, even if limited to a few people it may be abused while solving some inter-team troubles and disputes. So, while it is possible to implement (and would be really useful for some well known stupids and for mutual protection from them) there are some catches in the scheme including the possibility of misuse.

Also everyone sees as an offense or crashing something else. Some people do not care about names, some are offended. When I see someone on our servers with unacceptable name, requirement to rename follows, then kick, then ban. If someone starts to call me names on other servers, I leave, there's plenty of better servers around.
Yes I guess it would need some sort of exception handling, so not easy, as you say. Hopefully the default Airio settings will catch most trouble makers anyway. I was just thinking that for the serial problem racers (whether for language or driving) who turn up on a server and get banned very quickly, well it would be nice to be able to share that info straight away with other admins (what thay decide to do with that information is their decision of course) to stop them leaving a trail of disrupted races all over the net.
You have two options, you can ignore them, or you can face them head on on their own game. If you beat them at that, they'll feel ashamed of themselves and crawl back to the hole they came from. But beware that they have some practice on having answers (mostly non-logic ones) so don't feel bad if you fail ;D