Welcome to the International GTi Cup or IGC.
This league is designed to give fair and close fights on the track.
Your driving skill doesn't matter, there's always someone else in the same range of skill who will take up the fight for your position.
There will be a test season first, with 4 races. After that Season 1 starts. There might be some changes after we have tried out the system in the test season.
NOTE!!!! This race is a testrace before the testseason. The testseason will start 11/3 if everthing works out the way we planned
The cars used in this league are XFG and XRG, you will pick the car of your choice at the first race and drive that car for the rest of the season.
This will make the racing even closer, with the XFG good at some tracks and XRG having the advantage at others.
There are 9 events during the first season, 8 of them will count in the final standings.
Meaning that you can remove your worst race from that list.
The league is always open for new drivers, but if all the 32 spots are filled, drivers who've participated in earlier events during the season
gets to enter before newcomers.
All races will be driven on the International GTi Cup server, which will be open for practice with next weeks track in between races.
Hope you will have a lot of fair, close and entertaining fights on the track!
Signup will close at 19:00 (18:00 GMT) on raceday, server will then be locked and passwords sent out by PM here on the forum.
Track : Aston Club (AS2)
Cars : XFG/XRG
Server :International GTi Cup
Laps : 35
Pitstop : Pitstop needed. No forced tyrechange.
19:00 Warmup............(18:00 GMT)
21:00 Qualification......(20:00 GMT)
21:30 Pause...............(20:20 GMT)
21:45 Racestart..........(20:45 GMT)
Will you join the testrace - 04/03/2009 AS2?
Go to http://forum.liveforspeed.se/viewtopic.php?t=3841 and sign up