The swastika is an ancient symbol that crops up in many religions and many places. It's a Hindu religious symbol, it features in Buddhism as well as many others, and there's even a Neolithic swastika rock carving just a few miles from me here, on Ilkley Moor. Despite its 20th century nazi overtones, the symbol has many other historical and religious meanings, to many people. The symbol is not sinister and it is not something to run away from, screaming "heretic" or "fascist" or whatever else.
Neo-nazi organizations thrive on fads like political correctness. In the US, what all but killed the KKK was the constitutional right to free speech, and the racists' LAWFUL ability to make public fools of themselves. What has breathed life back into it is political correctness, the effective diminishing of the US constitution in the last 8 years, the Patriot Act (and its variations around the world) and the frantic "burn-the-witch" mentality that has accompanied the "war on terror".
This has driven free expression of racist idiocy underground, where it spreads among the gullible like a cancer. Today the KKK is back, gathering momentum and unless freedoms are restored in the US it is likely to become stronger than ever. Perish that thought!
Shadowww posted an image of a symbol with absolutely no intended political overtones whatsoever. Put away your torches and pitchforks, all you angry village folk, and go back to your houses.
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Neo-nazi organizations thrive on fads like political correctness. In the US, what all but killed the KKK was the constitutional right to free speech, and the racists' LAWFUL ability to make public fools of themselves. What has breathed life back into it is political correctness, the effective diminishing of the US constitution in the last 8 years, the Patriot Act (and its variations around the world) and the frantic "burn-the-witch" mentality that has accompanied the "war on terror".
This has driven free expression of racist idiocy underground, where it spreads among the gullible like a cancer. Today the KKK is back, gathering momentum and unless freedoms are restored in the US it is likely to become stronger than ever. Perish that thought!
Shadowww posted an image of a symbol with absolutely no intended political overtones whatsoever. Put away your torches and pitchforks, all you angry village folk, and go back to your houses.

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