#liveforspeed TBO Round One Week 11
(62 posts, started )

Poll : Which day would suit you best?

Closed since :
#liveforspeed TBO Round One Week 11

We had some nice racing going on in the first #liveforspeed test race, so let's start a irregular TBO fun race series!

The first race will be on week 11 with the same principle that the track will be randomized just before the event starts. S06R won't be included in the track list to avoid racing the same track again.

track laps race#1/race#2

BL1 14/28
BL1R 14/28
SO4 10/20
SO4R 10/20
SO5 13/26
SO5R 13/26
SO6 16/32
FE3 12/24
FE3R 12/24
KY2 10/20
KY2R 10/20
KY3 7/14
KY3R 7/14
WE1 10/20
WE1R 10/20
AS3 9/18
AS3R 9/18
AS7 8/16
AS7R 8/16

To run the race, we need at least 15 racers. To achieve this, the race is open for everyone, you don't have to be a regular visitor in the #liveforspeed channel. Racers will be accepted to the race in the order they've signed up in, so be quick Sign-ups will be accepted till 18:30 UTC, race day.

EDIT: Poll has now ended, the race will be on March the 9th

The schedule for the race day will be as follows:
19:30 UTC track is decided, practice starts..
15 min Practice
20 min Qualifying
5 min break
~20 min Race 1
5 min break
~40 min Race 2

Rules: 3% intake restriction for FXO, visit http://vari.1g.fi/liveforspeed/ for rest of the rules and other stuff! Points system has been decided, it can be found from the rules section!

To sign up: Reply to this thread with words that can't be misinterprated (something more than just a smiley, say you are in or something).

EDIT: Poll info sent for (at the time) 28 first names on the list. For whoever signs up after this moment; you will receive server & password info via PM before the race!

If you are signed up but can't make it for this evening after all, please PM me before 18:30 UTC so I can adjust the list before I send server & password info!

Final list of entries:

1. vari
2. Cassebent
3. Psilok
4. rich uk
5. MataGyula
6. DrDNA
7. Don
8. Grue
9. FinnishFlash
10. illegal
11. FireFox86
12. zeugnimod
13. Kirill.D
14. Kid222
15. Victor
16. DaveWS
17. RudiTurbo
18. Huru-aito
19. Primoz
20. Gener_AL (UK)
21. adamlfs
22. Foqs
23. kamo2000
24. troy
25. sokke
26. pacesetter
27. aobrien
28. Wilko868
29. Oxygene
30. Bean0
31. Gil07
32. Fuse5

The guys who were on the waiting list (Töki (HUN), Mp3 Astra, jwardy), sorry. It's going to be a crap race anyways! :D

Canceled sign ups: Profi, Sir. Pingo, NightShift

#2 - vari
/me signs up (any day is fine, didn't vote)
I'm in, but I also have no preference as far as the day goes. If I can't make it home from work in time, I'll tell you after the race.
I'm in unless something sudden comes up. At the moment anyday except tuesday seems to be ok for me but I'll vote for thursday.
me signs up, any day is fine for me. work won't be able to dump extra shifts onto me anymore.
Sign me up good sir!
#7 - DrDNA
I'm up for it, of course .
#8 - Don
Sign me in unless its a wednesday, got something on that day next week :|
#9 - Grue
In before loc... Wait that was another thread. I'm go for the race. I vote for Monday because that's just how I roll.
Sign me up! :splando:
I'd like to join. My schedule is still a bit open so I'll let you know if I can't make it.
I'd like to join, the time is a bit early for me, will confirm next week if that's ok with you
In, unless its a Thursday
I am in or something. As long as it isn't on Wednesday.
i'm on hoeliday next week (so you have to beat someone else, casse). should i vote in the poll because it decides the raceday for the next weeks too or will there be a new poll very week?
I'm in.
Sign me up too, cheers.
Sign me up and slap me in IRC before the start of the race
/me is in!
Put me down ..... or in ... oh nvm. I race !
Im in , sounds great
#24 - Foqs
/me in
I can give it a try = me in.

#liveforspeed TBO Round One Week 11
(62 posts, started )