I want to talk about how people communicate and behave whilst partaking in public racing.
For newcomers to LFS the experience can be somewhat daunting to racing online against our seasoned drivers, and to be thrown in the middle of a bunch of ban-happy bitching racers is unfair and easily gives any server a bad name.
Allowing messages publicly is asking for spam and congregation of arguments and nonsense discussion, once one n00b starts acting up others follow suit ruining racing for others.
I accept people need to communicate on servers and the chatter of a few nice folk is nice to drive in, but, by default everything is public chatter which should not be seen by the newcomer.
Nipping it in the bud would be to remove public messaging as prime means of communication in LFS servers,
this would stop 'pairing' of idiots by removing the catalyst for trouble which is the public messaging system which is acquainting them.
The public channel should only be open for server announcements of race stats etc and communication should only be heard amongst friends,
but this would only be possible by having a friends system inside LFS, a just think it's a good idea that would stop a lot of the messing that goes on, mainly crashing spam
For newcomers to LFS the experience can be somewhat daunting to racing online against our seasoned drivers, and to be thrown in the middle of a bunch of ban-happy bitching racers is unfair and easily gives any server a bad name.
Allowing messages publicly is asking for spam and congregation of arguments and nonsense discussion, once one n00b starts acting up others follow suit ruining racing for others.
I accept people need to communicate on servers and the chatter of a few nice folk is nice to drive in, but, by default everything is public chatter which should not be seen by the newcomer.
Nipping it in the bud would be to remove public messaging as prime means of communication in LFS servers,
this would stop 'pairing' of idiots by removing the catalyst for trouble which is the public messaging system which is acquainting them.
The public channel should only be open for server announcements of race stats etc and communication should only be heard amongst friends,
but this would only be possible by having a friends system inside LFS, a just think it's a good idea that would stop a lot of the messing that goes on, mainly crashing spam