Charity = **** off.
Especially organised charities such as this one, and the one with that stupid Pudsey bear..
To be honest, and I know I'll probably get shouted at by someone for saying this, but the "western" (modernized) world is in enough shit as it is. Most people are losing their jobs/taking pay cuts etc, meaning people can't feed their families or/and live a comfortable life with some luxuries.
And yes, I've read your mind. You are thinking "Well these starving Ethiopians can't even afford to eat or to go to school, everyone deserves equal rights".
Well, do they? I mean, if I was kicked out of this house (wouldn't surprise me), what charity would I get? Being a British citizen would mean **** all. I'd either have to live on the streets or hope another member of my family would put me up temporarily.. If I moved to Africa the whole world would run to donate to homeless kids.. (and I'd be included in that, if you see what I mean)
Now, the WHOLE WORLD decides to chip in and help a bunch of people in Africa, which, pardon me for being rude/stereotypical/ignorant, are very unlikely to get anywhere in life anyway, (or they wouldn't have gotten stuck in the hole they were in) with money that we as a Global Economic Enterprise don't have ourselves.
It's not the charity part that gets me so much, often if there's a little box at the Supermarket or a lady collecting change at the exit, if I got 20p or something I'll chuck it in there. What does get me is what some of these charity things have become, such as Red Nose Day, Children in Need and the like.
We have thousands of children in our own countries that are being abused, beaten up, malnourished, harassed by their parents. Do we help them? No, not in this way. Sure, we have things like NSPCC but do they get millions and millions of £/$ from global contribution efforts? I think not..
Now, I realise I may be ranted a bit by now, but to me it just seems that the world at large hasn't got it's priorities right.. what's so special about these 'charities' that deserve them becoming so annoying for a a couple of weeks or so, when we have plenty of charitable issues in our own countries that get, comparitvely, no attention.