OMG you're making it sound like he was one of the brothers Lumiere

The guy was very manipulative, he also stood on the shoulders of great moviemakers that came before him, but he had an unparallaled skill to make great movies that also enjoyed a wide success of public (though this was not always automatically true).
This is also true of The Beatles, whose tunes are still happily hummed along by many younger people that weren't around at the time.
While he's not much of a 'young artist' anymore Tarantino is an example IMO of another director that in recent times was able to redefine genres to his likings, though I have the feeling his works' appeal is not quite as wide as Kubrick's.
On topic: JJ Abrams hardly enters the rank of art anyway, people like him have a product, they want to sell it, to do that they use a massive amounts of money and marketing, they're just like the majors' executives, since they don't have the skills to do something that has worth for its own sake, they create a need for it.
It may be interesting as an example of success story in a business strategy course, maybe it will have a value for etnographic reasons in the future, well that pretty much sums it up.
Yep you're right, as many others before and after him, Kubrick quitted Hollywood at some point of his career, but he had to use it to gain a status where he could go on doing whatever he wanted without incurring in too much financing troubles.
Since you mention Danny Boyle... meh. I've yet to see Slumdog, so far his only movies that I like are Trainspotting (the source material was damn good anyway), and Millions: its translation of magic realism to an english suburban environment is quite nicely done

Of course! Their best works are great, I really liked No Country for Old Men, The Man Who Wasn't There and of course many of the lighter ones like Fargo or The Big Lebowski.
As I said it would be certainly crazy to say there are no good directors. They're just not able to turn conventions upside down.
Not long ago I've heard they're in talks for a sequel to Fear and Loathing, let's keep our fingers crossed (can't find the emoticon for it!)