today i almost got hit by a car.
long story short, i was crossing the street. as always, pedestrians have the right of way... but i guess this **** decided that he was too important to let me cross the street. (at this point he's at a red light wanting to turn left)
anyways, the light changes and it's time for me to cross the street... i look down and step into the crosswalk. take two steps and notice the car in my peripheral vision...
(now, in hamilton, people have this thing where if you're in the crosswalk and they're trying to turn, they will basically drive right up to the crosswalk and non-verbally demand you get out of their way...)
so i thought nothing of it. then half a second later it clicked in that the car was actually moving towards me, and pretty damned fast too. almost didn't make it out of it's way. and then the usual bird-flipping and cursing ensued, all the while, the driver continues speeding down the street.
ok, so now that the "story" is over....
now i'm sure one of those options is illegal... but i wonder how much trouble i'd get into if i tried them. you wouldn't believe how many close calls i've seen in this city.
yeah, i think i'm done here... more of a vent than anything, but feel free to discuss.

long story short, i was crossing the street. as always, pedestrians have the right of way... but i guess this **** decided that he was too important to let me cross the street. (at this point he's at a red light wanting to turn left)
anyways, the light changes and it's time for me to cross the street... i look down and step into the crosswalk. take two steps and notice the car in my peripheral vision...
(now, in hamilton, people have this thing where if you're in the crosswalk and they're trying to turn, they will basically drive right up to the crosswalk and non-verbally demand you get out of their way...)
so i thought nothing of it. then half a second later it clicked in that the car was actually moving towards me, and pretty damned fast too. almost didn't make it out of it's way. and then the usual bird-flipping and cursing ensued, all the while, the driver continues speeding down the street.
ok, so now that the "story" is over....
now i'm sure one of those options is illegal... but i wonder how much trouble i'd get into if i tried them. you wouldn't believe how many close calls i've seen in this city.

yeah, i think i'm done here... more of a vent than anything, but feel free to discuss.