The online racing simulator
How to use the full potential of my dual core?

As some of you know, in the last 6 years I was stuck with a crappy single core proc and well I lived with it until now

I now have a C2D P8400 but I would like to fully profit from the dual core. Right now LFS, MSN and all the running crap are one core, and very few of the 2nd core is used.

I would like to assign specific apps to a core so they run smoother. I would run LFS on one core and everything else on the other core this way LFS would have 2.26Ghz for itself instead of having to share with the other programs.

Is there such app that allow me to assign tasks to specific core?
In task manager, right click the process you want to set, and click thread affinity. That'll let you select the core(s) the process will run on. Very handy to be able to run 4x LFS' on quad core with almost no slowdown
Oh, thank you. Didnt know it was possible from the task manager. Anyway I set everything to 'Core 0' except all my games that I set to 'Core 1' since I rarely play 2 games at the same time.
#4 - amp88
Quote from Riders Motion :Oh, thank you. Didnt know it was possible from the task manager. Anyway I set everything to 'Core 0' except all my games that I set to 'Core 1' since I rarely play 2 games at the same time.

Most modern games will be designed to take advantage of multiple cores, so limiting them to run on a single core could seriously impact performance. Try running them on a single core then run them with no restrictions and see what the performance difference is.
It's ironic you're posting that on the LFS forum amp! (LFS uses only a single core lol)
#6 - amp88
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :It's ironic you're posting that on the LFS forum amp! (LFS uses only a single core lol)

LFS isn't modern
#7 - Jakg
Windows will automagically move stuff from core to core to make sure apps can use all of your CPU time available.

You shouldn't need to do what your doing now.

EDIT - Attachment uploaded here for PM. Just some LFS scripts. Nothing to see - move along :P
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