The online racing simulator
Stacks's DD/BangerCross layouts
(17 posts, started )
Stacks's DD/BangerCross layouts
Will post up layouts when ive finished them

please do not copy or edit these tracks

Will only make a topic when the time is ready, and there is something to post.
May I request a What The Fack??
(stacks9) DELETED by stacks9
I can say whatever I want to say.
Positive or Negative comments are all ok dude.
(stacks9) DELETED by stacks9
accept criticism, move on
i will and hope vinnylegends does
could an admin clean up this thread plz
far too many barriers, and I'm not a fan of tracks that split the racers onto two different paths
had some fun with your first track.
couldnt even get a lap in on the second.
pretty fun for a few minutes
Attached files
temp_spr.spr - 154.1 KB - 347 views
Ain't too bad layouts..
The idea itself is good, and I specially like the crossing jumps.
Since no one actually has given you objective critism or advices, I give you some. Keep in mine that it's my opinions, so it might vary from people to people, but ok, lets start. (Talking about layout 2)

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Barriers need to stand closer to eachothers. Too much gap between the ramps will randomly send people flying, witch will be pretty much anoying. What I do like however is the ability to go risky by doing that jump and gain some time, compared to drive all the way around this obstacle.

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Last time I mention the ramps, they need to be improved all over the track, but enough of that. Same goes for the safe-slow , fast-daring part here again, like that. What I don't like about this part is the part after the big jump. When you are going to jump it you will not see the barriers behind it, and instead of beeing the slow and fast way it's slow and deadly, since you most likely are going to end up in the barriers. Try getting a workaround on this somehow. Maybe just drop the jump itself and make a slow chicane, or split the road in two there, or keep it but somewhat have something that gives the drivers a notice that there will be a dangerous jump.

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Try putting som tyres at the edges. I mean with the wall closest to the water. Then when people jump down from the fast-risky place they will need to take procautions of that. Other than that I likes this part.

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I don't quite get this point, IMO this should be a clear corner without too much of obstacles. You could put some tyres on the edges tho, or even haibales, so it will somewhat be deadly

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Ah, well there you see, that somewhat gave more meaning to it all, looks better, but still think I rest my case as the same as above. If I made layout I would keep this corned clear, maybe split the corned in 50/50 with barriers or haibales, so you either can go fast on outside or carefull and slow on inside, witch would be equally fast aprox.

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I like this point, but maybe you are punishing the people that wants to take the safe route too mouch here. I would remove the barriers when the turn starts, the ones that has chosed the safe line will be forced to not take a ideal line in the corner, or very slow, but at same time they will not lose that much by going there. Still they will lose some, but that's just fair.

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Just takes one of the pictures, instead of 3 while I describe here. Pretty hard to understand, and I had to look 2-3 times before I catched the thought here, it's going back and forth right? It's a nice idea, but for normal racing it can be borring and missleading. Simplyfying this would make it more popular by the masses, but again - the idea is good here.


A OK layout, orginal and fresh ideas and I like the slow&safe vs fast&daring idea. Ramp needs to be put more togheter, and it all need to be more "smooth". By this I mean try not to get so "ziggy" corners by barriers, smooth is better and looks much better and generally just feels better to race on.

Keep on testing and create, not bad to be your 2th attempt, way better than mine that's for sure
ok thankyou , i will tune these layouts when i am bored/have time
Thats the problem with people.
Dont make them because youre bored.
Make them because you like to make them!
i do like to make them, but i have another like than lfs mate
I do also have another life outside LFS.
Quite a good one in the last period!

Stacks's DD/BangerCross layouts
(17 posts, started )