Quote from richard dk : Ok if we gonna talk about it we should maybe only count from S2 in 2005 and then i`m still almost 2 years ahead of you..

I don`t wanna complain about LFS, i`m sure it has a bright future...

I guess some people get bored with things nd others don't

I've been driving around the same cart track all my life - still don't get bored of it - and I'm old, PCs didn't even exist when I started with that! So we're not even talking yars here, we're talking decades! I've also played Pac-Man all my life and still I'm not bored with it (ok I don't play every day anymore )

If I race someone the same speed as me I don't care where I race, it's the actual racing, hustling, drafting, outbraking I enjoy. Give me any car and track and give it to me every day of my life - I won't get bored of it.

I think the difference is that the people who have been around since 2003 already understand the LFS progress and don't expect updates every 5 seconds. With the rate companies crank out games and sequels and premium DLC, people are assuming that every project should be that way and ignore the fact that it's a labour of love not a money-making business model.
#53 - 5haz
The reason why I would like to see LFS moddable is so that I could actually put the cars into it that I wanted to drive, I know I could do that in Rfactor but the opportunity of having LFS versions of some of the cars in Rfactor with LFS physics is very interesting to me.

Quote from Shadowww :Cause I am not modelling MASSEEV ZOOORST EXHAUSTS and TEH INTERCOOLAZ!!111 on non-turbo FZ5.

Also, I hate things like UBERWINGZ on 240bhp XRT.

That doesn't necessarily have to happen.

People don't just mod roads cars you know.

And the Spoiler on the XRT is hardly huge.

Quote from 5haz :And the Spoiler on the XRT is hardly huge.


I meaned ricy mod which adds XRR / J2 HIN spoiler on XRT
Quote from Shadowww :Since 02/03 we got:

Not enough?

Oh, forgot:
Kyoto ring

You joined in 2008.. Lets talk about it later..
Maybe it`s enogh for you, but it`s not for me.
Since 2005 we got no new tracks, thats 4 year this july.
There has been two new cars since 2005 FBM and BF1.
It`s boring for me...it`s not boring for you..
You don`t need to defend LFS for me, I don`t complaining at all, I just writes the facts who matters to me, ok?
I`m not a guy who is slamming a game, if I`m not satiesfied I just find another game in the mean time. A lot of people could learn by this. If you don`t like what you sees, move on...
Quote from richard dk :You joined in 2008.. Lets talk about it later..
Maybe it`s enogh for you, but it`s not for me.
Since 2005 we got no new tracks, thats 4 year this july.
There has been two new cars since 2005 FBM and BF1.
It`s boring for me...it`s not boring for you..
You don`t need to defend LFS for me, I don`t complaining at all, I just writes the facts who matters to me, ok?
I`m not a guy who is slamming a game, if I`m not satiesfied I just find another game in the mean time. A lot of people could learn by this. If you don`t like what you sees, move on...

You got new track since 2005...
Quote from aceracer :

If I race someone the same speed as me I don't care where I race, it's the actual racing, hustling, drafting, outbraking I enjoy. Give me any car and track and give it to me every day of my life - I won't get bored of it.


Exactly , couldnt agree more !

Think that statement says it all
A combo is hardly a track
Well, maybe I just have been here too long, I started to play back in 02 or 03, then I registred on forum later in 04 The updates seemed to happen more often earlier than they happen now, but maybe that is just my immagination.

However, really curious if we are going to get a anouncment about possebilities for new tracks this year.
Seriously, what is it with all the "LFS sucks" threads lately... Just let Scavier do their work like they always have, and have had so much success. I'm pretty sure there will be some nice surprises soon
Quote from Gil07 :Seriously, what is it with all the "LFS sucks" threads lately... Just let Scavier do their work like they always have, and have had so much success. I'm pretty sure there will be some nice surprises soon

I cense a huge suprise coming up actualy.
I only dont know what and when.

Lets juts hope they come up with some kind of track thats basiclyset in forrest or something real technical
Quote from George Kuyumji :Modding has always been a grey area regarding licenses, like all the real life versions of tracks for rFactor are not licensed.

The question is that none of those tracks or any of the modding content of Rfactor is conected or supported in an oficial way by the creators of the game. No track owner or car company is willing to take the time to go after some anonymous modder, but that doesn´t mean they will not do it against a software company or game creators that are making money from selling their games. Which means that any kind of content that has a real life counterpart, couldn´t have official support by the devs, therefore it wouldn´t be possible to control what is released and by whom, ending with the same disavantages that RFactor has, and that, I think, is not what this community wants from LFS.
Quote from Shadowww :You got new track since 2005...

No! A new config is not a new track for me, maybe it is for you..
Quote from chunkyracer :The question is that none of those tracks or any of the modding content of Rfactor is conected or supported in an oficial way by the creators of the game. No track owner or car company is willing to take the time to go after some anonymous modder, but that doesn´t mean they will not do it against a software company or game creators that are making money from selling their games. Which means that any kind of content that has a real life counterpart, couldn´t have official support by the devs, therefore it wouldn´t be possible to control what is released and by whom, ending with the same disavantages that RFactor has, and that, I think, is not what this community wants from LFS.

Very good point.
Quote from George Kuyumji :Please everybody I dont meant 'mods' like in rFactor, I mean mainly real life add-on TRACKS for LFS, no Physic mods, no car mods

Made by only 1 great modding Team in high quality only with one new track (1 version) every couple of months or so - no modding madness, no physic mods, no cars mods

people need to read and pay attention. i can't believe how many posts i was skimming through suggesting/arguing mods and not tracks.

tracks would be awesome, but there would have to be some sort of submission system like mentioned previously in this thread. the thing i absolutely hate about rfactor that was mentioned in the OP is in some cases there are literally dozens of the same track! and i'm not talking about different layouts either.

i think it would be amazing to take to Nürburgring with the quality of the physics in this game. the dirty nasty things i'd do to drive the BF1 or FBM on the ring....
Quote from George Kuyumji :What does this have to do with me and iRacing. Why should iRacing have add-on tracks when new content comes out in great quality every couple of weeks anyway. There are alot of things that I'm asking for in the iRacing Forums that are much better done in LFS like clutch modelling, Leagues etc. iRacing doesnt miss tracks, iRacing misses a huge bunch of other things, but what LFS is missing is real life tracks, and it could have it, as licenses and development are expensive, there is a big amount of talented people in the community, which if there work could be organised and directed into one common direction could bring the finest versions of the real life tracks out.

If you'd have read my second post, you'd know I wasn't asking because of the content, but why you thought it would be a good idea to bring this up when the Devs CLEARLY stated NUMEROUS TIMES they won't go that way, not for a long time? Why respect their words any less than that of other people? Or do you think if you'd just ask hard enough, they'll suddenly change their mind?
#66 - senn
agree with bbman.
Quote from bbman :If you'd have read my second post, you'd know I wasn't asking because of the content, but why you thought it would be a good idea to bring this up when the Devs CLEARLY stated NUMEROUS TIMES they won't go that way, not for a long time? Why respect their words any less than that of other people? Or do you think if you'd just ask hard enough, they'll suddenly change their mind?

Because its a topic for discussion. I wasnt in the other discussions about this which mainly were about modding physics and cars anyway - what this is not about. I dont see how this Thread forces you to participate in it if you dont have no interest. First you was kind of like why dont you discuss iRacing, then you want to make this thread end. Just stay out of it if you dont care about it.
Quote from bbman :...Or do you think if you'd just ask hard enough, they'll suddenly change their mind?

Might as well get in on the fun and give my $0.02...

Like every business, your decisions are based to some extent on customer feedback as long as you're looking to generate revenue. So if you see post after post of people wanting to contribute for free, and it would result in increased sales, it lends credibility to the argument.

And to re-emphasize, the OP wasn't talking about mods (which most of us wouldn't be for), just using the talent on tap to create new officially approved tracks. And I don't think he meant it to be LFS-bashing as he was accused of.

For me personally, the desire is to have real-life tracks. The unfortunate thing is that it's apparently cost-prohibitive to license a track. Which sadly leaves me stuck going back to GT3 to get my Nurburgring fix.........
btw chunkyracer Microsoft did it also with FSX regarding licensing, they officially do not support or make advertising with the add-on planes or helicopters, but they supported strongly others to do them.

I think it gets underrated what an impact real life versions of tracks would have on LFS, when the BMW F1 came out for rFactor and LFS at the same time people had the choice between driving it with crap physics on all real life versions of F1 tracks, or have good physics on fantasy tracks. Too many people choose rFactor over fantasy tracks. I know alot of current LFS users do not care whether a track is realistic or not, but for potenial customers it is very very important, its as important as realistic cars. The netcode in LFS is better, the damage model is better, the physics is better, if people could drive the F1 car in LFS on all real F1 tracks that would be a major selling point for LFS. Or the GT cars around Le Mans, there is an ocean of possibilities to improve the LFS experience, and its not car modding physics etc. its the tracks.
Quote from George Kuyumji :... I know alot of current LFS users do not care whether a track is realistic or not, but for potenial customers it is very very important, its as important as realistic cars ...

From my experience I would actually say that a lot of experienced LFS'ers would very much like to see some real-world tracks in LFS, largely because of the somewhat narrow range of choices we have at the moment.

This isn't a dig at Eric, but with one person designing every track in the game we're always going to have fairly limited variability in the type of layout we see. For example, currently pretty much every track we have, with the exception of KY1, contains a chicane.
It's difficult to think of real life circuits that don't have chicanes though
#72 - 5haz
Indeed the ability to create tracks for LFS would be nice.

Brands Hatch please.
I'm not sure Scavier can be persuaded to change their no mod policy.

When they read these kind of threads, especially when they're NOT started by an 8 yo who's got his S2 license less than 8 minutes ago, I suppose they should at least acknowledge somehow the burning desire the community has for more content (maybe they will )

As a compromise, I'd suggest relaxing their 'stage policy' and actually release S2.1, S2.2 etc for a small fee each and with a little new content. This could certainly be done if part of the S3 content has already been prepared and it doesn't fit in some kind of a bigger plan.
I like idea, that good tracks can be added by other people than devs. Devs have enough work. But when track can be made, I strongly want them to be judged by moderators, because else a lot of crap will be wasting LFS's precious cyber-space.

But as I (think, I) know what devs/moderators think about it: IBTL
Quote from duke_toaster :It's difficult to think of real life circuits that don't have chicanes though

Completely wrong.