This is a litle offtopic, sorry.
I love Manga and Anime.
To my taste the greatest exponents of the international manga: Masamune Shirow (Ghost in the Shell [Ghost in the Shell by Production IG / Anime] and Appleseed), Yukito Kishiro (Gunm and Gunm Last Order), and Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira) in 1987 the Anime Akira, made the greatest exponent of the traditional anime. Now everything is computerized.
I do not forget Akira Toriyama. His work, Dragon Ball, is that I have grown up with since childhood. I know its history. I hate Dragon Ball GT, jajajaja.
Doctor Slump is very crazy.
And I like too, Evangelion. And the final.... the last two episodes....

I now there are three OVAs,hahahaha. But I think they can remove the last episodes.
Apologizes for my english.