No they just blunt you to movies with violence, the fear isnt real, there is no smell, no swett, and no instinct. It is entertainment and it is fantasy and it is plot point. It is nothing at all to do with adrenaline and the disregarding of cause and effect.
Same thing... Sociopathy is the modern term for psychopathia: A condition where people are unable to form bonds and emotional connections to other people and are undettered by consequences of their actions when they hurt other people because they could not care less for anyone. It provides no motive to act in a bad way, it just removes the restraints that stops people acting in a bad way.
It is entirely possible to have a sociopath who is a "good person", these people are usually diagnosed as having "sociopathic tendancies" rather than being "sociopathic".
I'm going to stop talking about mental health like I know what i'm talking about now, and go back to being insane.