Well, I have played LFS 4 years, and I bought officially S2-License 2008 January. Before that, I just tried S2 with my friends account, and with hamachi, because he didn't want to go for multiplayer. I liked LFS so much that I went to tell my parents to buy it. Well, they didn't buy to me, so I took my VISA and bought it for 35,83€. =). Of Course, they didn't like it hehe (ouch!).
Anyway. Live For Speed S2 is much better at the moment than I tried it in Patch P 0.5 =). It didn't got even BMW Sauber F1.06 car (BF1). And I remember, when I were in Patch X10 0.5, in LFS, there was a server called "Netikka 2". It was Blackwood RallyX Reversed / XR GT Turbo (XRT) server. There was only 12 racers, all from finland. The server best laptime was going 1:04.96. Holder was this guy:
http://www.lfsworld.net/?win=s ... ;racer=%5BKRT%5D+Juha+2.0
BTW. in Patch U, the Best laptime in Netikka 2 server was only 1:06.xx =)
I was going only 1:05, and now it is 1:04.44 I think.
Well, Demo Racers have not that legendary XR GT Turbo - car. But I will promise, that it is not the only thing why You should buy LFS S2 -license. Nope, there is much more tasks and things for You.
What you have, if buy to full content: (S2)
Ability to make Autocross layouts.
5 more tracks and their many variations. Also 17 more cars, counting the great XR GT Turbo.
More fun! Available to join popular fun server. ( [CAD] Destruction Derby )
Tight Racing with any cars / tracks. For Example: Redline Racing server, or [FM] Oval Junkies servers. (Yes, Oval is possible also, in my opinion, I like it)
More Drifting servers! If you like sometimes to take off and making some sliding, I am pretty sure, that you can find a good drifting mates!
Make yourself to famous! If you have great racing skills and not fearing the fatal accidents, you can find more info about here.
Well, I don't know to say anything else, but if you are still doubt for buying the S2, then you should ask more for to advanced racers. They know (or at least I think about it) everything or almost everything about racing. And they can tell to you, why have to buy Live For Speed S2.
Sorry a bit english, I am in rush hour ---->