Hey Guys.
Sign up here for the NDR 2h Easter Enduro.
Date: 3/4/09 [Friday]
Car: UF1000
Track: Fern Bay Black [FE4]
Duration: 2 hours
Mandatory Pitstop
Server infos will be PMed to you.
Timings: [ALL BST, =UTC+1]
1910: At least one person from every team on server please
1930: Race [2h] commences
As always with these events, you can sign up as a team [max of 2 drivers per team], or as an individual. However, you'll still have to come up with a team name, even if you're racing on your own.
Max of 32 drivers for this race, then we'll go to reserves.
Please, if you so wish, post a high-resolution skin in this thread: http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=51237
We hope to broadcast this event too, so even if you're not racing, be sure to tune in.
* The Race Director (dekojester) is in charge. What he says goes.
* Please watch out for Blue Flags, and respect each other when passing.
* At least 1 mandatory Pit Stop must be made during the race. It can be made any time between the start of the race and 5 mins before the end. (1h 55 mins in)
* ALL memberS of your team are allowed to do laps in the quali session, the best will count.
* Please avoid cutting the blend lines. Doing so may result in a Drive-Through Penalty
* If you want your skin in hi-res on the broadcast post it in the skins thread.
* The start of the race is a standing start.
* Always have the utmost respect for your competitors.
* If you wish to make a complaint, then post it in relevant thread the NDR Section of the forum and we'll investigate for you.
* We have a ventrilo server if you want to join us for voice chat or even be interviewed, live on air. Server is vt.fragmaster.net, port is 3922. Go past all the oval racers until you find the NDR Section about half-way down, double click and you'll enter our 'zone' (Thanks as always to [FM] for our ventrilo channel)
Copy and paste this with details to sign up please:
Team Name:
LFS Username[s]:
Real Name[s]:
Team Tag: (Must be in square brackets - [])
As always, first come, first served. We kindly request that, if the field becomes full, that drivers in the same team who are not already racing in a team join each other as to produce an extra space. We reserve the right to reject any entry if we see fit.
Entries Received:
Reserves are highlighted red.

Hope to see you on the 3rd April
New Dimension Racing
EDIT: 5,555 posts =)
Sign up here for the NDR 2h Easter Enduro.
Date: 3/4/09 [Friday]
Car: UF1000
Track: Fern Bay Black [FE4]
Duration: 2 hours
Mandatory Pitstop
Server infos will be PMed to you.
Timings: [ALL BST, =UTC+1]
1910: At least one person from every team on server please
1930: Race [2h] commences
As always with these events, you can sign up as a team [max of 2 drivers per team], or as an individual. However, you'll still have to come up with a team name, even if you're racing on your own.
Max of 32 drivers for this race, then we'll go to reserves.
Please, if you so wish, post a high-resolution skin in this thread: http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=51237
We hope to broadcast this event too, so even if you're not racing, be sure to tune in.
* The Race Director (dekojester) is in charge. What he says goes.
* Please watch out for Blue Flags, and respect each other when passing.
* At least 1 mandatory Pit Stop must be made during the race. It can be made any time between the start of the race and 5 mins before the end. (1h 55 mins in)
* ALL memberS of your team are allowed to do laps in the quali session, the best will count.
* Please avoid cutting the blend lines. Doing so may result in a Drive-Through Penalty
* If you want your skin in hi-res on the broadcast post it in the skins thread.
* The start of the race is a standing start.
* Always have the utmost respect for your competitors.
* If you wish to make a complaint, then post it in relevant thread the NDR Section of the forum and we'll investigate for you.
* We have a ventrilo server if you want to join us for voice chat or even be interviewed, live on air. Server is vt.fragmaster.net, port is 3922. Go past all the oval racers until you find the NDR Section about half-way down, double click and you'll enter our 'zone' (Thanks as always to [FM] for our ventrilo channel)
Copy and paste this with details to sign up please:
Team Name:
LFS Username[s]:
Real Name[s]:
Team Tag: (Must be in square brackets - [])
As always, first come, first served. We kindly request that, if the field becomes full, that drivers in the same team who are not already racing in a team join each other as to produce an extra space. We reserve the right to reject any entry if we see fit.
Entries Received:
Reserves are highlighted red.

Hope to see you on the 3rd April
New Dimension Racing
EDIT: 5,555 posts =)