The online racing simulator
[C#] Button doesn't display with LFSLib.NET
I'm currently testing some InSim stuff but am having trouble getting Buttons to show in LFS. Testing the LFSLib for .NET and using C# code.

I'm using this code:
InSim.LfsButton btn = new InSim.LfsButton(0);
btn.Clickable = true;
btn.Left = 10;
btn.Top = 10;
btn.Width = 200;
btn.Height = 200;
btn.Text = "Test button";
btn.TextAlignment = ButtonTextAlignment.Center;

handler.SetButton(btn, player.Id);

player ID fills up correctly, but the button does not show up on the racers screen. If I send a message to that players ID, it shows up, so the players ID is not an issue.

Testing the Time Monitor example from the buttons don't show up either.

Can anyone give me some info on why this is occuring?
Needs to be handler.ShowButton(<button name>, <connection ID>);
You can't send the button to a playerID, only the connectionID or send to all by putting false.
If is local show then remember ISF_LOCAL flag on connect.