The online racing simulator
#1 - J@tko
NDRC S1 and LFSBC S3 Sign-Ups OPEN!
NDR are pleased to announce that Sign-Ups for their flagship series, the NDRC, are now open.

You can find the calendar in this thread, we visit all 7 tracks at least once [AS twice], with 8 rounds spread over 5 months. These rounds include a rallycross round, 2 "double sprint" rounds and, as always, the season finale is an endurance race, this season increased to 2h in length.

For the first time, our season includes two classes, one to cater for those new to LFS [carried over from the LFSBC] called the "Beginner's Class", and another for those who have been in LFS for a while, the "NDRC Class". In order to distinguish between the two, we have the following requirements:


You will be put in the NDRC Class if you have attained any of the following:
  • 15,000 Online KM (9321 Online Miles) in LFS
  • Current WR Holder
  • Participation in any major LFS League [IGTC, MoE, STCC, LFSPS, LFSWS (If we've missed any obvious ones out please do say)]
  • Participation in any other 2 Leagues/Events
You will be put into the Beginner's Class if you have attained none of the above.

Entry Requirements [Must be done before the qualification session of any round you wish to participate in]

Beginner's Class
250 Online Miles (402 Online KM)
An uploaded hotlap within 103% on any combo in the LFSBC calendar.

NDRC Class:
An uploaded hotlap within 102% on any combo in the NDRC calendar.

Note that the LFSBC and NDRC Calendars ARE NOT THE SAME!!
Although, both classes do race at the same time.


This is the race day timetable:

Quote from J@tko :Timetable for NDRC Season 1 and LFSBC Season 3, may be subject to change

Server will be called "NDR|NDRC & LFSBC", the password will be PMed to all participants prior to the event starting.

Schedule of events: [All in BST (GMT/UTC+1)]

7.15pm: Participants on server
7.20pm: [if needed] Pre-Qualification (10 minutes)
7.35pm: Qualification Begins (20 minutes)
8.00pm: Grid Set
8.05pm: Race begins

If so needed, we may shift the times for the endurance race back by about 10-15 mins

We may seperate the Qualifying into the 2 seperate classes, especially on the rounds when there are 2 different car classes competing. We'll post that in a thread before the round if that is the case.


So, you want to sign up?

Please copy and paste the following, with your information in, into a reply to this thread:
LFS Username:
Real Name:
Team [NDRC ONLY, and only if 2 people want to team up for the team championship]:

NOTE: Please DO NOT enter with driver usernames as "TBA" or "TBC". Due to the pre-qualification before each round, there is no need to reserve places. Please signup ONLY when you are certain of the driver(s) participating.

As always, we reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone who we feel may be detrimental to the standard of racing. A Rulebook will be published soon.


Accepted Entries:

[B]Number LFS Username Team[/B]

[U]LFSBC Class[/U]

2 buck77
3 lucassena
4 HighRoad
5 Metallicana
8 G!NhO
11 nathan246
21 n-murray
23 Shaun463
27 DimitarBG
31 Deesiel
32 Szymonek
33 jdgracing
46 mrspeed21
69 Mike Bingo
72 AriPetrol
76 mecajoe
96 Emil.Orza
101 Eddie Lynch
616 Timdpr
742 Turtlewise06

[U]NDRC Class[/U]

1 GreyBull [CHA] [SF?]
8 J@tko
7 Fabio Maximus
12 aobrien
13 Rafael Facchini
22 Chrisuu01
24 ivan.f
43 minimaxracer
47 Kart0fL47
53 Fuse5 Dynamic Duo (D2)
60 Dennis93
77 Hypothraxer
82 Fastwalker Dynamic Duo (D2)
666 Stefani24

#2 - BAMBO
LFS Username: Bambo
Real Name: Demetrius Adelin
Number: 93
PPD Rookie Team will have those 3 cars

numbers ,2,3,4.

2. Daniel Buck [buck77]
3. Lucas Sena [lucassena]
4. Niko Demec [HighRoad]

EDIT : Changed numbers
LFS Username:aobrien
Real Name:Andy O'Brien
#5 - Fuse5
LFS Username: Fuse5
Real Name: Jörgen Kursk
Number: 53
Class: NDRC
Team: The Dynamic Duo [D2]
  • 63000 online KMs
  • no WR
  • Participation in leagues, yes.

NDRC Class:
An uploaded hotlap within 102% on any combo in the NDRC calendar. not yet
I thought I'd deserve number 1.:cry:

LFS Username: GreyBull [CHA]
Real Name: Yann Laprevotte
Number: 1
Class: NDRC [47 241 km, took part in UF-BR S2 Cup, LFSBC S2, etc, and LFSPS very soon]
Team [NDRC ONLY, and only if 2 people want to team up for the team championship]: None, if someone wants to team up with me, then PM.

EDIT : Oh, btw, check my XFG/bl1, I think it's 101,7% of the WR IIRC.
#7 - J@tko
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :I thought I'd deserve number 1.:cry:

LFS Username: GreyBull [CHA]
Real Name: Yann Laprevotte
Number: then, 33
Class: NDRC [47 241 km, took part in UF-BR S2 Cup, LFSBC S2, etc, and LFSPS very soon]
Team [NDRC ONLY, and only if 2 people want to team up for the team championship]: I'll ask mr Zanetti if he wants to race too.

If you want #1 then I can ask James to change
Quote from J@tko :If you want #1 then I can ask James to change

/me wants !

But I think I gonna have a bad rep if I begin to care on this kind of details...:rolleyes:
LFS Username: Mike Bingo
Real Name:Michael Bingham
Number: 69 (fnarr)
Class:I guess LFSBC since I don't qualify for NDRC
LFS Username: Hypothraxer
Real Name: David Novak
Number: 77
Class: NDRC (I suppose the iTCC counts? As well as the LFSBC Season 2 and the 16 hour race at Kyoto)
Team: iCON Racing
Attached files
13498.spr - 170.3 KB - 415 views
Quote from J@tko :You will be put in the NDRC Class if you have attained any of the following:
15,000 Online KM in LFS No
Current WR Holder No
Participation in any major LFS League [IGTC, MoE, STCC, LFSPS, LFSWS (If we've missed any obvious ones out please do say)] No
Participation in any other 2 Leagues/Events Yes See below...

Entry Requirements [Must be done before the qualification session of any round you wish to participate in]
Beginner's Class
250 Online Miles Yes
An uploaded hotlap within 103% on any combo in the LFSBC calendar. Yes

NDRC Class:
An uploaded hotlap within 102% on any combo in the NDRC calendar. No

I'm gonna get flattened in NDRC! I want to be up near the front for once . I could argue I've never completed 2 full leagues . (Not completed all the races.)

Which class would I be put in? I know you said I could probably choose, but I just want to make sure, the rules seem pretty decisive (or whatever the word is).
LFS Username: Szymonek
Real Name: Simon Jakubiak
Number: 32
Class: LFSBC
LFS Username: Fastwalker
Real Name: Simon M
Number: 82
Class: NDRC
Team: D2

* 37327 Km
* no wr atm
* MoE, iTCC, ...
* check

EDIT: Team added + Hotlap added
Attached files
fastwalker_BL1_XFG_13373.spr - 239.2 KB - 433 views
LFS Username:Stefani24
Real Name:Stefan Alfons

LFS Username: Deesiel
Real Name: Shaun Dees
Number: 31
Class: LFSBC
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :/me wants !

But I think I gonna have a bad rep if I begin to care on this kind of details...:rolleyes:

I have no problem changing
LFS Username: [Chrisuu]
Real Name: Chris Karsten
Number: 22

And how about head 2 head vetarin ?

* LFSBC, Head 2 Head
*48806 Km
* had WR right before a head 2 head event with FZ50 on fernbay green reverse it got beaten by 1,5 secs
Just to clarify this: You don't NEED a WR to be in the NDRC, as some people seem to be thinking.

We have just put that you will be in NDRC if you have a WR, because we don't want people with WRs entering LFSBC
Quote from JO53PHS :Just to clarify this: You don't NEED a WR to be in the NDRC, as some people seem to be thinking.

We have just put that you will be in NDRC if you have a WR, because we don't want people with WRs entering LFSBC

Could you answer my question please?
Quote from Timdpr :Could you answer my question please?

Whats the other "League" you've competed in?
me and fuse are gonna team up for ndrc

team name: Dynamic Duo (D2)
signup modified
Quote from J@tko :Whats the other "League" you've competed in?

Mini FBM cup thingy.