Street Fighter IV - Best fighting game yet?
Have to say, one thing that I love about this game is that the fighting system doesn't seem to have any funny bugs or flaws in comparison to its rivals like Mortal Kombat, Virtua Fighter or Tekken. I'm still unsure as I find Soul Calibur IV to be quite good as well but there are some funny things about it like being able to do Mitsurugi's shoryuken style slash when the opponent is knocked down without the other player being able to retaliate or avoid it.

Also, the great thing about most of the street fighter games is that all characters are great if used properly. Obviously, the Shotokan fighters are much easier to get used to than say Honda, Zangief or Blanka but I've found, after some practice, if used properly, they can be devastating.

I've unlocked everyone up to Akuma so only have Gouken and Seth left to unlock. I've fought against Gouken in Time Attack and Survival, he seems to be REALLY really good, well, at least, potentially anyway, CPU is too easy .

So, who is your favourite and best character?
It's a fantastic game, it all comes down to the skill of the player, there's no button mashing.
One thing that anoys me are the Ultras, i'm still uncertain about it and not sure if i will find there purposse and if i'm ever going to like them.

My favorite characther so far is Fei Long.. Sagat is awesome too, and off course Ryu and Ken, but i tend to not use them that much as they are registred as "noob" charachters and what not.
Yeah, Sagat is really good. IMO though, he's very similar to the Shotokan fighters.

Noob characters? I guess they're not hard to use but like I said, all characters are balanced. The only difference is the difficulty.

Fei Long is cool but I feel that he's quite limited. Like, you can only link the close standing fierce punch into a combo so can't start off any combos that starts with a low hit. Maybe I'm not using him properly.
Quote from Leprekaun :
Fei Long is cool but I feel that he's quite limited. Like, you can only link the close standing fierce punch into a combo so can't start off any combos that starts with a low hit. Maybe I'm not using him properly.

He's very fast, that's why i love using him, and that's his advantage. It would be nice if he had some Hadouken, but his speed compensates for that.