Nameless AI
(11 posts, started )
[BUG] Ai Names
Hey, i can make the AI's have no name by just not typing anything in the name thingy. After a AI with no name join the race, you can't spec it because it dosen't have a name.

I think you should put a limit of at least one character @ AI name.

Test it and you will see
I don't see what's the problem. I you want to spectate you AI, then you should have given him a name IMO.
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :I don't see what's the problem. I you want to spectate you AI, then you should have given him a name IMO.

He means the bug that you can give Ai's NO name...
Yep, and then another issue is that you can't spectate it.
And why should have to give no name for AI?
You can do that so nobody can spec it for example.
Quote from Andrei221 :You can do that so nobody can spec it for example.

you could kick the guy who "spawned" it then^^
Still, it is easy to fix.
Nameless AI
Delete all AI names on list, do /ai on some server, and you have nameless AI
Its impossible to /spec just AI because AI doesnt have name (neither admin/insim can), the only way to remove it disconnect or kick.
you can spec AI's (afaik) by the username that added them. so /spec DANIEL-CRO would spec the AI I believe.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :you can spec AI's (afaik) by the username that added them. so /spec DANIEL-CRO would spec the AI I believe.


Nameless AI
(11 posts, started )