iTCC Round 3 - Protests (CLOSED)
Please make your protests for Round 3 of the 2009 iTCC Touring Car Championship in this thread. You can make your protest by using the template below

iTCC Protest

Your Name:

Your LFS Username:

Protest Against: (LFS Username)

Type of Protest - Unfair Overtake or whatever)

Description - Your opinion of what happened)

Which Event / Session: (Quali or Race 1/2/3)

Attached Evidence - Attach your pictures, or other evidence

You have until 0000 GMT Monday Night/Tuesday Morning to make your protest.

I don't want any arguments in this thread, I will PM the drivers in question to get their comments before any decisions are made.

Decisions/Penalties will be posted in a seperate thread.


Joe Keaveney
#2 - J@tko
Does anyone have replays?

Anyway: [will attach evidence when I can]

iTCC Protest #1

Your Name: Jack Atkinson

Your LFS Username: J@tko

Protest Against: (LFS Username): rc10racer

Type of Protest - Unfair Overtake or whatever): unsportsmanlike driving

Description - Your opinion of what happened):
Under last of the SC periods, basically sat on my arse pushing me along because I left a gap between me and the car infront.

Which Event / Session: (Quali or Race 1/2/3): R3

Attached Evidence - Attach your pictures, or other evidence
: Attached

Having reviewed the evidence, it could not be ascertained that any contact was made between Atkinson and Pickard, furthermore although Pickard drew level with Atkinson during SC period, no net gain of places was made. No penalty.

iTCC Protest #2

Your Name: Jack Atkinson

Your LFS Username: J@tko

Protest Against: (LFS Username): Half the bloody Field

Type of Protest - Unfair Overtake or whatever): Chat

Description - Your opinion of what happened):

At the end of the race, admin clearly said "NO CHAT - RACE SESSION STILL RUNNING" or similar, and at least half the field chatted before being given permission to.

Which Event / Session: (Quali or Race 1/2/3): R3

Attached Evidence - Attach your pictures, or other evidence
: Not in replay

This one is am issue which the admins have been relaxed about until now (chatting). It will be dealt with seperately int he penalties thread (coming soon) and in the mid-season review of race procedures / league rules.
Attached images
Quote from J@tko :Does anyone have replays?

Anyway: [will attach evidence when I can]

iTCC Protest #1

Your Name: Jack Atkinson

Your LFS Username: J@tko

Protest Against: (LFS Username): rc10racer

Type of Protest - Unfair Overtake or whatever): Chat/unsportsmanlike driving

Description - Your opinion of what happened):
Continual, distracting chat during Race 3, even after being given penalty. Then, under last of the SC periods, basically sat on my arse pushing me along because I left a gap between me and the car infront.

Which Event / Session: (Quali or Race 1/2/3): R3

Attached Evidence - Attach your pictures, or other evidence
: Coming when I get replay

iTCC Protest #2

Your Name: Jack Atkinson

Your LFS Username: J@tko

Protest Against: (LFS Username): ricou

Type of Protest - Unfair Overtake or whatever): Overtaking under SC/Chat

Description - Your opinion of what happened):
Overtook people under SC [penalised for] then continually chatted for the rest of the race

Which Event / Session: (Quali or Race 1/2/3): R3

Attached Evidence - Attach your pictures, or other evidence
: coming

iTCC Protest #3

Your Name: Jack Atkinson

Your LFS Username: J@tko

Protest Against: (LFS Username): Half the bloody Field

Type of Protest - Unfair Overtake or whatever): Chat

Description - Your opinion of what happened):

At the end of the race, admin clearly said "NO CHAT - RACE SESSION STILL RUNNING" or similar, and at least half the field chatted before being given permission to.

Which Event / Session: (Quali or Race 1/2/3): R3

Attached Evidence - Attach your pictures, or other evidence
: coming.

Why are you posting this, i mean, this is not of your concern, its the admins job.
#4 - J@tko
Quote from Dennis93 :Why are you posting this, i mean, this is not of your concern, its the admins job.

It's a protest thread
The admins already stated he was under investigation. Unnecessary, IMO.
Quote from J@tko :It's a protest thread

Yes, against other drivers if they hit' you or run you off, or did something you arent happy about, what you posted it probably taken care off already, and therefore useless to post this.
#7 - Ricou
iTCC Protest

Your Name: Eric BITAN

Your LFS Username: Ricou

Protest Against: (LFS Username) rc10racer

Type of Protest : Pushed me out under SC.

Description -
In lap 12, at T2, we all braked because the safety car went out, and Pickard (rc10racer) braked too late, pushing me out on the grass from 7th position to 13th position. It seems he got a drive through penalty for that thought.

Which Event / Session: Race 3

Attached evidence: screenshot

Quote :Originally Posted by J@tko
Description - Your opinion of what happened):
Overtook people under SC [penalised for] then continually chatted for the rest of the race.

May I answer that I spoke 3 times in the 3 next laps, which I wouldnt describe as "continually for the rest of the race" ?

Pickard was penalised in the race for this misdemanour.

Chatting is an issue that will be dealt with in the penalties thread (coming soon)
Attached images
Screenshot - 15_03_2009 , 23_28_51.jpg
I admit i was very in the wrong for what i did and very sorry about it but for some reason i was day dreaming for most of the race and did not look at the track when i needed to.
Your Name: Timo Hynninen

Your LFS Username: hyntty

Protest Against: WlayCo

Type of Protest - Unfair Overtake or whatever) Making me spin and ending up taking out Ward as well.

Description - He wasn't in front of me, there was plenty of room to the left, I was going to move a little to the inside to avoid Laudens.

Which Event / Session: Race 2 at 4:07.13

T.Hynninen tries to move right but there isn't the space to do that, Vuckovic is trying to block pass Hynninen, but neither manoeuvre pays off. No penalty.

Racing incident.
(Joe_Keaveney) DELETED by Joe_Keaveney
(hyntty) DELETED by hyntty
Actually I'll take that one back since a) It wasn't Baker, but another core car, of which there are too many and b) he slowed down afterwards and let me back

I blame the inevitably slow failfront. 20kb/s download

But I'll use that post to protest against someone else now.
im not bothered about that , i dident loose many places , witch i made back up after soo im fine with what happened , racing incident form my point of view
iTCC Protest
Your Name: Zdeněk Cagaš
Your LFS Username: Kid222
Protest Against: Tomhah
Type of Protest:
Unfair overtake
Description: Divebombed me into T1 and pushed me wide on the exit
Which Event / Session: Race 2, lap 2

When Cagas goes wide into Turn 1, Tomhah explits the gap left by Cagas as he overshoots, placing his car alongside Cagas, at this point the pass has been made. A small amount of contact is made. No penalty.

iTCC Protest
Your Name: Zdeněk Cagaš
Your LFS Username: Kid222
Protest Against: angel_ghost
Type of Protest:
Unfair overtake
Description: After backstraight he tried to made criss-cross move, but pushed me into grass.
Which Event / Session: Race 2, lap 2

Cagas goes wide very slightly, Marques exploits this to take the place - the admin panel reviewed this at length and decided this was just hard racing, therefore a racing incident. No penalty.

iTCC Protest
Your Name: Zdeněk Cagaš
Your LFS Username: Kid222
Protest Against: rc10racer
Type of Protest:
Kinda elliminating move.
Description: Similar as above, this time he was almost behind me.. clipped my back on exit, which made me spin into barrier.
Which Event / Session: Race 2, lap 4

Definitely not intended, but nevertheless Pickard should be waiting for Cagas to rejoin. No penalty.

iTCC Protest
Your Name: Zdeněk Cagaš
Your LFS Username: Kid222
Protest Against: rc10racer
Type of Protest:
stupid behaviour
Description: countless chat, reckless driving, dunno what else, too much for just one evening
Which Event / Session: whole event

Will be dealt with in Round 3 penalties thread and as part of mid-season review of procedures
I've removed the stuff that [I think] is already under investigation from my post. I'll post some piccies when i get home.
(Tomhah) DELETED by Tomhah
(J@tko) DELETED by J@tko : Tommy deleted his
(WlayCo) DELETED by WlayCo
Quote from Joe_Keaveney :

I don't want any arguments in this thread, I will PM the drivers in question to get their comments before any decisions are made.

I will PM you to get your reply to the protest, please be patient and wait for my PM.

WlayCo, delete your post (the one above) please


Joe Keaveney
This thread is closed