The online racing simulator
Your first Bf drive
(58 posts, started )
Your first Bf drive
What was ur first bf1 race/ drive like. Heres mine:

OMFG!!!!!way too fast! And the brakes are insane! I can't believe i'm doing it!
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I'm still waiting to leave work in 30 minutes.... Feed the boys dinner, and download the patch.
#3 - ajp71
So fast Fairly easy to drive you've just got to get used to it and the road cars feel so slow after it.
Grinning like a bloke thats just been given something big, manly and noisy. First lap of blackwood i thought 'why isnt the car spinning out in 1st gear' then i seen the traction control setting. Next thought was OMG WTF is with the brakes they rock.

I was on teamspeak with some mates at the time and they were telling me to shut up as i was laughing with joy.
its so cool, tried blackwood, was like OMFG, then was on aston and that was amazing, theres so grip.
I think im in love lol.

Edit : My brake pedal is now known as the "make ur eye balls come out if sockets pedal" it is seriosuly mad how fast that thing stops.
I thought it was tons of fun! The very first thing I did when I started up LFS was change to the new track layout and take out the BF1 :-) Was really fun, and really fast!
The BF1 is 100% pleasure at some faster tracks and without TC

Just 100% pleasure. Never thought that I could enjoy F1 car more than my beloved XRR (that will change.. )
#8 - robps
Just got off a server with a friend on South City Classic, he was in the FZR, and I was in the BF1, I was having a great time pulling up next to him with him going full tilt, and then stomping on the gas pedal and looking at him go all tiny in my mirrors.

SO1 is also one hell of a bumpy track in an F1 car as well, never really noticed then before
Its an awesome car... uhh racecar sorry.

My first ride was just jaw-dropping. Stopping power of that thing is truly amazing.

Just drove 25 laps on Aston GP. With R3's on two stints, the ride was hectic, yet very comfortable still. You almost always knew where you had the car, and it would only behave loose when in 1st or 2nd gear.
I just did a couple of laps in SO classic and it was quite fun... The car is jumping all over the place, the sense of speed is great, and the braking is fantastic!! I really think that this car is going to be a favourite to many LFS racers...
mine rides loose when on curbs.
the new aston config, which isnt the north one (forgot the name) is insaaaaane with the bf1!! i love the one part after the long straight, where the car is hugging the curb at like this car
lol my hands were shaking...

After driving this beast for 2 hours straight I was so tired that didnt touch it again this day. I love it, but still rather drive FOX and now GTR's.
Crushed my eyeballs into the back of my skull. Talk about quick...
Simply Awesome- the TC is nice as it makes this to drive fast easy and it is far easier than the Fo8, and so blinding fast.
but to get a real WR i bet is godlike to my cherub ability here.
it is almost docile in its behavior, and in turns, but one wheel off, just a hair a blade of grass and DISASTER! well done devs...
this is a gem the replays look fabulous the driver head leaning the car movement- this is THE F1 simulator no game comes close to make you feel you ar like IDE, when you are dreaming Alonso/Mika/Schumi/Prost/Senna/KImi-
I got 58.08 on Blakwood after 5 laps,
simply stunning you have to have your head on to get this one right...
perhaps it came out at a good time, just when every one since S1 could actually drive the F08, now the King!
i love this
I love LFS again!
Gotta love how you have to knock it back 2 or 3 gears instead of 1 if you just touch the brake or let off for a sec.
I'm no Schumacher, but I thought I'd share my first laps with the BF1... the very first corner put a huge smile on my face, and you'll see why in the replay.

Second stint I put on R2s and upped the DF (might've gone the wrong way on that, but I wanted to feel the ultimate grip from the car ). The BF1 can recover from some pretty serious slides, which surprised me. Good fun.
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I will probably get tomato(e)s thrown at me, but the BF1 is FAR easier to drive than the F08. Went ten laps around BLackwood and only spun out once. With the F08 I would spin out ten times in one lap!
Quote from jayhawk :I will probably get tomato(e)s thrown at me, but the BF1 is FAR easier to drive than the F08. Went ten laps around BLackwood and only spun out once. With the F08 I would spin out ten times in one lap!

Difference? Traction control!
Quote from jayhawk :I will probably get tomato(e)s thrown at me, but the BF1 is FAR easier to drive than the F08. Went ten laps around BLackwood and only spun out once. With the F08 I would spin out ten times in one lap!

can i throw bananas?

my first experience of drive BF1 is just like drive a twin V12 engine but stable..thanks to the TC..maybe there will be more and more players join our community...
The fo8 feels perfect now, wow.

and the bf1, amazing. :up:
first i started with no TC... man, that was fun..... the grip is insane.

then i turn TC on.... that noise it makes is just awsome! awsome! it feels like real rubber!
TC is cool but it loses lot of fun. Its pedal to the metal.

Now i see why its dificult to overtake in F1.... because there's no time at all! corners arrive soooo quick its just crazy!
driving it without TC is great fun, but others driving with TC are leaving me far behind :P I wonder if the WR's are made with TC ...
Quote from WGooden :The fo8 feels perfect now, wow.

I agree - this is now my favorite open wheeler despite the appearance of the BF1. You can actually drive the thing rather than being in a constant state of paranoia that it will snap at you for no reason.

The BF1 is a blast, but isn't really my style when it comes to racing. I prefer being able to slide cars around a bit, and to have time to plan passing / defensive manouvers and be aware of the cars around me.

In the BF1, you don't have time to do anything except HANG ON!

I think my LFS racing will still be dominated by the tin tops (especially now that I can dirve the RWDs).

This is not a complaint, just a preference. I'm chuffed that the BF1 car is in the game.

Your first Bf drive
(58 posts, started )