The online racing simulator
(727 posts, started )
Here's another small donation. Something for FZR, based on OZ Superleggera.

Have fun!
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OZ-GT_by_mogster.rar - 1.7 MB - 575 views
Quote from mogster :Here's another small donation. Something for FZR, based on OZ Superleggera.

Have fun!

How many polys?
Polys: 249 376
Verts: 124 666

I know it could be a lot less with some optimization.
Hello! I'm new on rendering and 3d modelling. All i know atm is to change rims, spoilers and other stuffs. I'm using already made scenes. Now I'm searching for some tutorials, and I'll start to make something. I think that the wheel/rim modelling will be close to me .. So, when I'll be done with something, I'll post it. Ermm BTW nice wheels mogster.

PS: If you know some good tutorial, don't hasitate, just link it please (I'm using 3d studiom max 8 with Brazil)

Thanks mogster! I checked it, and it will be helpfull..Actually i found some other tutorials too...When i'm done with my first rim, i'll post it ..
Hi. I started to make my 1st rim. I followed a tutorial, and I made this:

I know it's far away from good, but if somebody could help me with a chrome metal material, it will be very usefull for me ...
And again Mogster strikes again! As always, love your wheels.
Oh, and i have to agree for LineR32, i'd like to know that.
I only downloaded 1 of the cars and it works in Max 7 with Brazil.
Hello. After a few hours of pain, I made my first wheel, based on a tutorial.. Well it's far away from good, I need a tyre texture, and etc. but I have to start from somewhere. Hope the next one will be more cool
(Töki (HUN)) DELETED by Töki (HUN)
What do you think of my first wheel ever? I'll remake the tyre later, I don't like it.
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I think it's very good for a first wheel. Keep it up
yeah the modeling is very good,the rim style sux yes
That was my 1st wheel too, it looks good on the UF1.

Add some wheel bolts/nuts to it.
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Custom UF1 scene.jpg
My new xrt drift
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can someone show the tutorial where i can learn to make wheel?
Quote from wygiuxx :can someone show the tutorial where i can learn to make wheel?

Can you please scroll up a little,mogster posted a tutorial there.
Quote from wygiuxx :can someone show the tutorial where i can learn to make wheel?

Sure. I used this tutorial. It's simple and well-detailed.
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Sure. I used this tutorial. It's simple and well-detailed.

I used it too, it's a very good one, and if you change the nr. of segments, the radius of the cylinder, you can make a lot kind of wheels, just whatch when you select the Polys before Bridge
my first wheel
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(727 posts, started )