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Quote from StableX :The Silverado is awesome on oval! Never thought I'd find oval so much fun as I have with the kick arse system they now have on iRacing.

I bought the Impala and Silverado last weekend and I think they are horrible to drive. They just keep snapping around on me with no warning whatsoever, I'm not exactly new to oval racing either. Is it just because I'm using the default iRacing setups or something? I was thinking about going for a year subscription after my one month is up, but these two cars really turned me off to the game, they feel terrible to me.
Quote from UncleBenny :I bought the Impala and Silverado last weekend and I think they are horrible to drive. They just keep snapping around on me with no warning whatsoever, I'm not exactly new to oval racing either. Is it just because I'm using the default iRacing setups or something? I was thinking about going for a year subscription after my one month is up, but these two cars really turned me off to the game, they feel terrible to me.

I don't know the Impala, but apparantly it's a bitch to drive in real life. Most drivers complain that it's just completely different to anything else they know.

The Silverado I'm finding really quite fun to drive on the bigger ovals like Lowe's f.e. which is on the schedule currently. I have, however, not used one of the default setups on the intended track. Last time around at Lowe's the setups for Las Vegas and Texas worked pretty well. This time I'm using the one posted by Brandan on the forums and it's really nice to drive, imho. I found that you have to be very gentle with steering inputs, but once used to it, it's actually possible to catch it in time if it steps out on you (most of the time anyway). I wouldn't describe it as "snapping" at all, though. It feels rather gradually to me, but it's still easy to mess up when you try to correct it.

What tracks did you try them on? Just asking, because I couldn't really get to grips with the truck when I tested it at Milwaukee. I'd assume that it would be similar on other short tracks. It's just very hard to run safe but fast there it seems. I assumed that it was just my lack of talent, though.
Quote from Linsen :Yeah, we can't think for ourselves anymore, completely lost sane judgement and worship the tin god called iRacing. We also believe in the unique legitimacy of our creed and that people like you must be purged. We're a sect, end of story.

Straight from the horse's mouth.
Silverado needs some tweaking in setup department to fit different driving styles, it's probably the same thing for Impala. Almost every Silverado defaultset has huge amounts of corner exit oversteer which I cut down first, not all of it however because car tends to get little tight as time goes on.

Impala I haven't really been driving that much yet, but initial impression on Phoenix was that it pushes like hell. Was pretty fun car around Lime Rock Part though, too bad it has piss poor brakes which makes T1 entry "exciting".
Quote from Linsen :I don't know the Impala, but apparantly it's a bitch to drive in real life. Most drivers complain that it's just completely different to anything else they know.

The Silverado I'm finding really quite fun to drive on the bigger ovals like Lowe's f.e. which is on the schedule currently. I have, however, not used one of the default setups on the intended track. Last time around at Lowe's the setups for Las Vegas and Texas worked pretty well. This time I'm using the one posted by Brandan on the forums and it's really nice to drive, imho. I found that you have to be very gentle with steering inputs, but once used to it, it's actually possible to catch it in time if it steps out on you (most of the time anyway). I wouldn't describe it as "snapping" at all, though. It feels rather gradually to me, but it's still easy to mess up when you try to correct it.

What tracks did you try them on? Just asking, because I couldn't really get to grips with the truck when I tested it at Milwaukee. I'd assume that it would be similar on other short tracks. It's just very hard to run safe but fast there it seems. I assumed that it was just my lack of talent, though.

I tested it at Lowes and Texas actually, and hated it on those tracks. Then I tried out South Boston and enjoyed it there, so pretty much exactly the opposite of you. Its possible I just need more adjustment time on the bigger ovals.
Quote from UncleBenny :I tested it at Lowes and Texas actually, and hated it on those tracks. Then I tried out South Boston and enjoyed it there, so pretty much exactly the opposite of you. Its possible I just need more adjustment time on the bigger ovals.

I hated the stock setups for that car... I've gone in to the setup forum for the silverado and downloaded a couple of setups from there and found them to be much better..... make sure to warm the tyres up some first before going for the 30.6 on Lowes
The default sets for both the COT and truck are insanely loose on exit. They also added ridiculous amount of toe, which just makes it worse. The car only snaps around quick on the big ovals if you get on the throttle too quickly (not early, but slamming it down), because it'll compress the rear end too fast and just snap around.

Setups are very important like always.

I'm getting back into the oval setup world (after stopping NR2003 in 2006 I lost my touch IMO) and have learned how to make good handling and long lasting sets using no rear toe.

Now if only I didn't have bad luck in races.
Quote from PMD9409 :I'm getting back into the oval setup world (after stopping NR2003 in 2006 I lost my touch IMO) and have learned how to make good handling and long lasting sets using no rear toe.

Yup, I never could figure out how to make setups but now it somehow fell into place and I'm really enjoying that aspect. I spent last weekend making Mazda setup from scratch and it was so rewarding to score a solid finish in first race filled with super fast guys, car handled beautifully and it didn't slip away even once, just got 1x inc for "incorrect parking" after race.

While it was "just" 5th place finish, it gave me 155 points for that...
well, I was going to take out the important parts...but it was pretty much everything !

Quote :
Now for some updates on development which is what you probably hoping for anyways and are now irked at me for having to read everything I have written so far!

We have a few massive projects we are currently working on that will not be ready for the next major build, but one is worth mentioning now. We are deep into development on bringing private leagues to our service in a way that will hopefully maintain the integrity of the overall service. I will focus a blog post on this topic further down the road when we are prepared to reveal more details on how this will work, but I think we are well on the way to adding an exciting new feature to our service.

It has been our intention all along to remove resets once we have the damage repair and towing features complete. It does look unlikely at this point that these two items will be finished for this next season but I can confirm that we will have the ability to make resets available by series. Starting next season we will be eliminating resets in Class C series and up. Patience and respect for your fellow driver will be very important next season…

We really have not had a chance to touch our netcode in some time so we have started exploring several ways to improve it. We have mentioned this before but we are making great progress on implementing the Akamai IP acceleration technology and hope to have this in the next major build. We have a larger announcement coming soon that will touch on this and other latency related topics.

I am happy to announce that we have hired another Vehicle Dynamics Engineer and we have immediately thrown him into the fire and have him working on the Spec Racer Ford. Eric Hudec joins us from what was formerly known as Petty Enterprises where he was a Race Engineer. We are obviously excited to be adding someone with Eric’s experience to our team and he should bring a lot to the table, particularly on the oval side of the service. We hope to have the SRF ready for the start of next season and we are doing everything we can to also try and get the Nationwide version of the Impala SS ready as well. We are also making great progress on the Corvette C6.R and the Lotus 79 as well, but I don’t expect those to be completed until this summer.

We have also hired a new software engineer to try and speed up the rate that we are turning out features for you and his name is David Tucker. David is already churning out work and has completed a project already that will hopefully be of great use to real world race engineers in being able to use our track data in their simulation tools. David is currently taking a look at our replay cameras to try and make some improvements in how we show you the action.

One of the most popular requests we have received and something I know I have told you we are working on is the addition of Paypal to our service. At this time we are in testing stages of this code and it does look like it will be ready to be incorporated for the start of next season. We do apologize in the delay for getting this feature to you but unfortunately this is not a plug and play item with the way our service works.

I am sure everyone has already seen the news that we are adding a club logo option to the cars for next season. We are also trying to get work done at the same time to add sponsor packages. These will be sponsors that we supply for you to choose from, but this will start to give you more options to make your cars look more like they are in the real world. You will also be able to choose different fonts for the car number on certain vehicles.

Last but not least, I expect that Road Atlanta will be joining our track lineup at or near the start of next season with 5 more oval tracks coming between now and July. We are also set to begin scanning Mosport this spring to get into production as soon as possible.

Now for a very cryptic licensing update.

I told you that I had been working on a contract that would net you three new tin tops and that contract was officially signed last week. I will now torture you by telling you we have the announcement of these cars planned to go out this spring in conjunction with other announcements. Sorry about that, you probably are angry with me for even mentioning it now. I am also so very close to signing a very unique agreement that will involve a popular entry level tin top series with a significant marketing campaign. So those that have been asking for more sports cars, they are in the development pipeline along with the C6.R.

We have signed a MAJOR track that we will be scanning in the next few weeks that everyone should be excited for. Once again I will tease you but not telling you what it is but I will give you a hint that the announcement will come in May…

We have a few very high profile agreements we are working on that should garner us attention from everyone out there that has not already heard of iRacing. I hope to have more information on these projects in the coming months. I will also tell you that we have been working incredibly hard in trying to secure tracks outside of North America and we are making some great progress. I hope to have some announcements about some signings here in the next few months as well.

I know the licensing update portion of this really does not tell you much, but there is a significant amount of work that goes on here that is difficult to communicate about until the dotted line is signed. We are also trying to do our best in trying to pace out announcements so not to overwhelm you and our marketing staff who are tasked with these communications.

I think everything I wanted is now getting implemented, that's freaking awesome!
that is pretty kick arse.... all I need now is to hear they are going to make Bathurst
Still no rain or night racing still no gt car until the corvette in summer, it looks like. A short track like Tsukuba would be great for the Solstice.
Quote :5 more oval tracks coming between now and July.

i never liked oval racing on LFS but after the mazda last week at milwakee i cant help thinking that all those requests for a short oval on LFS had a good point
I hate this thread...I really do.

My pc is no where near good enough to run iRacing at a sufficient level for me to get enjoyment out of it, yet everytime I look there is something telling me to come back and be tempts me in the same way a Donar Kebab tempts me on a friday night after a few drinks down at the local watering hole.....I know I shouldn't but I want too so much....

Balls I'm going to have to upgrade and sign up......I hope your all happy now, I've ruined my social life (again). Oval racing here I come.
Quote from tinvek :i never liked oval racing on LFS but after the mazda last week at milwakee i cant help thinking that all those requests for a short oval on LFS had a good point

Couldn't agree more. Watching the Kyoto 250 the other week said oval can be great for LFS but it desperately needs a new couple of purpose made oval tracks like lanier or martinsville style to add to the KY1! DOn't tell Doorman though or he might have to go back to his true racing sim, trackmania
If Indianapolis is in the "new" oval track pack, we will get a nice infield road track

And Road Atlanta hopefully before the new season

Tracks use in LFS:

1: Blackwood 106,614,149 Km
2: Aston National 56,229,241 Km
3: KY Oval 47,160,816 Km
4: AS National 26,670,375 Km
Road Atlanta.. *drools*

I've only driven it in rFactor, but I love the layout!
Quote from richard dk :

And it`s not about putting a wheel of, but half of your car..

I get 1x for putting a wheel off? The system seems over sensitive, if a RL racer puts a wheel on the grass he doesn't get penalized for it.
Quote from anttt69 :I get 1x for putting a wheel off? The system seems over sensitive, if a RL racer puts a wheel on the grass he doesn't get penalized for it.

But in real life if you put a wheel off and lose it, you could hit a wall and end up paying thousands of dollars to fix your broken race car. I think iRacing is just trying to make some kind of consequence for over aggressive driving. Whether or not you like it, you do have to agree that the system does make you consider how hard you should push the car when you're coming out of a turn, knowing you could be punished if you go too far, and I think that was their goal.

It isn't the exact same as real life because it can't be, but at the same time I think you're going through the same thought process as real life where you know there is a consequence for the decision you're about to make.
Quote from anttt69 :I get 1x for putting a wheel off? The system seems over sensitive, if a RL racer puts a wheel on the grass he doesn't get penalized for it.

It should be half of your car... Have you watched the replay?

The few times i got x1 Inc for beeing on the grass, it has been half of my car. I also thinks it written somewhere in iRacing forum.
Quote from richard dk :It should be half of your car... Have you watched the replay?

The few times i got x1 Inc for beeing on the grass, it has been half of my car. I also thinks it written somewhere at iRacing forum.

It's definitely the centre line of your car over the edge of the racing surface (or raceable surface to be more precise). Every single time I thought the system had done me wrong and I looked at the replay afterwards, I had to admit that the 1x was in fact deserved.
Quote from richard dk :
The few times i got x1 Inc for beeing on the grass

That is just plain showing off
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