The online racing simulator
Quote from Lateralus :But wouldn't it have been more exciting to watch if Lewis had to win?

I don't think the race at Brazil coud have been any more exciting.
This basically contridicts there reliability aims they have been tryinto achive.

imo this will be good, lucky they still have points for all drivers but with the top ones competing for wins, meaning they dont give two shits about points unless they know there not going to win the title meaning they are going to go all out for the win even if it means retirement. awesome imo.

I lol at the people who have no idea about f1 or even read what is happening here, most people hee are crying about the fact its a Title chasers championship but the rest are left out, DON'T WORRY POINTS FOR ALL!!

ok im done..
Quote from zeugnimod :I don't think the race at Brazil coud have been any more exciting.

True this, but imagen 2 drivers head to head for the last 10 laps racing agianst each other for the title and not fighting half way down the field with some random Toyota.
Quote from TagForce :He prolly does... And what's best about this is that that won't change a bit...
With 10 laps to go and the leader is 15+ seconds away, they will still chill in 2nd and may even get passed without a battle for 3rd, because the one position that matters now is wayyyy out of reach. So who cares?

Now, if Bernie is wrong, and drivers want to win regardless, this system will not change anything either, because they'll fight for each position regardless because they want to win...

Either way, this system changes nothing it was designed to change. It can only change it for the worse.

most of the races were like that due to them relaxing there engines as they really didn't nee to fight for the win.

This prevented atleast 5 epic battles last year.
Quote from tristancliffe :So would relying on a sensible points system that rewards winners without shutting the drivers that are not quite regular winners (e.g. Kubica 2008) out of the championship battle. Sure, statistically the consistent drivers rarely actually win the championship, but they are often an extra thing for the main protagonists to keep an eye on.

Remember Frentzen in the Jordan (in 2000?) sneaking up on the championship win without anyone noticing? Not going to happen anymore.

Remember Kubica or Coulthard or <insert an almost limitless number of drivers over the years that have scored a lot of points without a lot of wins> who have nearly upset the game? No longer.

Sure, once or twice you get the situation like Brazil where Hamilton was happy to flump around in 5th, but isn't that part of the strategy?

Would you like Tennis if only the aces counted, and normal points were, essentially, removed? No. Would you like Cricket if only boundaries counted? Would you like Snooker if only the Black counted?

It's a daft rule, and clutching a recent events (Brazil) to justify it as being okay is silly. They should have gone to 13,8,... or returned to 10,6,... points - a large incentive to win, a large points haul for the win, but an opportunity to still work towards the championship when wins aren't possible.

Good Lord, I've found myself agreeing COMPLETELY with Tristan.

I haven't found a single person here at work that agrees with it, I'd say any possible chances we had of a championship win are gone.
suck FIA are like idiots

why we still watch F1?Indy is more fun
Quote from Lateralus :They should be shut out.

Why? You've said that twice, but not once have you gone into why people who can't win races regularly should be banned from competing for the championship.

Quote from spookthehamster :Good Lord, I've found myself agreeing COMPLETELY with Tristan.

Easy tiger, we don't want you to get into that habit. You'd become a laughing stock
Quote from Intrepid :I think them rule makers will wake up when you hear a championship contendor saying after having a bad quali lining up in 18th or whatever "I will take it easy save the engine, gearbox, and car. It isn't worth trying to fight through the pack to get worthless points"

Exactly, they might as well feckin retire except for the joke points and team points. They can't improve their WDC bid, or even minimise damage with a spectacular drive through the field to 5th or so.

How often is this all-or-nothing WDC "points" thing ACTUALLY going to improve a race?
Once in a blue moon are first and second close enough for it to potentially make a difference, but that's assuming that the driver in second would ordinarily just settle for the 8 points for 2nd place, and I'm not sure that happens very often at all.
This all comes down to Bernie being annoyed that Lewis won without having to win the last race, or perhaps he was just annoyed that Lewis won. And what a crappy, boring race that was.
Just wanted to pick up on this

Quote :"The idea is to get people racing. Somebody that's second has got to try and win rather than thinking that if he happens to win he'll only get two (more) points - not a big motivation to try and get past someone.

Right, so the thinking is the drivers in F1 NEED to be motivated to overtake and or race?, is that really the case?, if so, jees louise, I am glad I watch more bike riding, because those racers don't need external motivation to get on and race, they do it because they love racing.
Quote from danowat :Just wanted to pick up on this

Right, so the thinking is the drivers in F1 NEED to be motivated to overtake and or race?, is that really the case?, if so, jees louise, I am glad I watch more bike riding, because those racers don't need external motivation to get on and race, they do it because they love racing.

lol thats the thing. Just look at the points situation in bikes


1st - 25
2nd - 20

Difference in points = 5 points = 20%

F1 2008

1st - 10
2nd - 8

Difference in points = 2 = 20%

So we can conclude that the points system in F1 doesn't have any effect in something like MotoGP. And in MotoGP you have a freak load more to lose as well if you try to win. You can end up falling off a bike at 200mph and it's goodnight Louisiana

Occasioanlly you will get a rider who will settle for second, but very rarely, and this is showing intelligence and skill.

The vehicles themselves are what stops racing. Maybe Formula Kart Stars is Bernie's long term plan to get the F1 drivers out of F1 cars and into karts... now wait a minute,,,,, there's an idea lol

What next? Death Race 2000 style racing... oh sorry thats BTCC lol
So F1 becomes "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" - the points don't matter. Is Clive Anderson hosting?
Drivers who can't win should be shut out? Sure, why not, let's have a 1v1 of Hamilton and Massa for all the season, nobody cares about the rest anyway.

Quote :I think this year's championship will be close and exciting

Or not. Win more than half of the races from the start and do you don't even need to bother showing up anymore.
Quote from Intrepid :What next? Death Race 2000 style racing... oh sorry thats BTCC lol

Funny you mention that as the points difference is also 20%
Quote from tristancliffe :Why? You've said that twice, but not once have you gone into why people who can't win races regularly should be banned from competing for the championship.

They aren't banned, they just shouldn't really have much of a chance of snatching the title from underneath the noses of the regular winners. Anyone who takes the title should have been there or thereabouts throughout the season, not just picking up 3rds and 4ths while the big boys are battling for the win. I don't really mind when that happens (i.e. Frentzen in 1999) because it adds a little spice to the action, but I also don't mind if the rules make it very difficult for them to do. Again, the focus should be on the winners.
Exactly. They had a small, outside chance that added a little spice. That is now gone for no good reason. The new rules don't make it 'very difficult', but impossible - so they are, to all intents are purposes, banned from competiting for the championship unless they are one of the Big Four (whoever they are in a given year).

It doesn't add value to the championship. It doesn't make the victor any more worthwhile. It doesn't spice up the show (it just won't). It just removes competitors from the championship, and that cannot ever be a good thing in F1.
Quote from herki :
Or not. Win more than half of the races from the start and do you don't even need to bother showing up anymore.

This is complete bullshit, for a couple reasons:

1) The odds of a driver winning the first nine races of the season are pretty much zero. Even approaching that is exceedingly unlikely. The odds of another Schumacher/Ferrari situation occuring again are also pretty much zero.

2) Even if a driver wins the title with five or six races to go, do you really think the team will keep him if he just "doesn't show up" for the last events? The team still want those constuctors' points, and a driver who essentially says that he doesn't care about the team will soon be gone. He still has incentive to drive hard. Look at Alonso in 2005 - he won the title with a few races left, yet he drove like hell in Japan and China because he wanted to win the title for his team.

Additionally, the idea that this is some kind of massive convoluted consipiracy by Bernie to ruin F1 and support a particular driver is so incredibly naïve and ignorant that it isn't even worth addressing. It's absolutely pathetic, and I wonder why such stupid people continue to watch F1, since it's just a big engineered, manipulated charade, right? Bernie pressed a button to make Lewis' gearbox malfunction in Brazil 2007, after all. He sits in an ivory tower with a golden crown overlooking the track, and he has buttons and dials in front of him which allow him to destroy a driver's engine, or cause a fuel leak, or even cause a driver to crash! Bernie hates F1 and wants FOM to lose money and fail.
Quote from Lateralus :They aren't banned, they just shouldn't really have much of a chance of snatching the title from underneath the noses of the regular winners. Anyone who takes the title should have been there or thereabouts throughout the season, not just picking up 3rds and 4ths while the big boys are battling for the win. I don't really mind when that happens (i.e. Frentzen in 1999) because it adds a little spice to the action, but I also don't mind if the rules make it very difficult for them to do. Again, the focus should be on the winners.

MotoGp has the same percentage difference as F1. Are you saying their system is flawed too?

In F1 a points system is even more VITAL because the performance of a driver is SO car dependant. You can be 90% sure the best car will win at the 'easier' tracks like Barcelona, or Sepang. Effectively free wins for drivers in the best car. In the previous system someone like Alonso could snatch maybe a podium at one of these tracks and keep themselves in the hunt, and then grab a few victories later on!

What your in fact doing IS PUNISHING THE BEST DRIVERS EVEN MORE FOR NOT HAVING THE BEST CAR! Kubica being the casing point last year.

This new system will now mean there will be no team mate battles! That can't even be a consideration anymore = LESS RACING

A grid penalty or pbad quali will efectively rule out a charge through ther field because it's pointless = LESS RACING

Most drivers always go for the win ANYWAY = Same RACING

Overall conclusion - less racing, and a greater dependance on car over driver!
Quote from tristancliffe :That is now gone for no good reason.

You can think it isn't a good reason if you want. I think giving drivers more incentive to win is a good trade-off. At any rate, the season will be starting soon, so we'll be able to see for ourselves fairly soon.
Quote from Lateralus :You can think it isn't a good reason if you want. I think giving drivers more incentive to win is a good trade-off. At any rate, the season will be starting soon, so we'll be able to see for ourselves fairly soon.


Quote from Intrepid :MotoGp has the same percentage difference as F1. Are you saying their system is flawed too?

How MotoGP works doesn't mean shit. F1 is not MotoGP; they're very different and they always will be. Taking cues from another series "because they have lots of overtaking!" and applying them to F1 is not a good idea. Grand prix racing is unique in motorsport and has to be addressed and managed as such.

EDIT: Posting in all caps (and not being able to spell simple words) doesn't help your argument. In fact it makes you look stupid.
Quote from Lateralus :This is complete bullshit, for a couple reasons:

1) The odds of a driver winning the first nine races of the season are pretty much zero. Even approaching that is exceedingly unlikely. The odds of another Schumacher/Ferrari situation occuring again are also pretty much zero.

2) Even if a driver wins the title with five or six races to go, do you really think the team will keep him if he just "doesn't show up" for the last events? The team still want those constuctors' points, and a driver who essentially says that he doesn't care about the team will soon be gone. He still has incentive to drive hard. Look at Alonso in 2005 - he won the title with a few races left, yet he drove like hell in Japan and China because he wanted to win the title for his team.

Additionally, the idea that this is some kind of massive convoluted consipiracy by Bernie to ruin F1 and support a particular driver is so incredibly naïve and ignorant that it isn't even worth addressing. It's absolutely pathetic, and I wonder why such stupid people continue to watch F1, since it's just a big engineered, manipulated charade, right? Bernie pressed a button to make Lewis' gearbox malfunction in Brazil 2007, after all. He sits in an ivory tower with a golden crown overlooking the track, and he has buttons and dials in front of him which allow him to destroy a driver's engine, or cause a fuel leak, or even cause a driver to crash! Bernie hates F1 and wants FOM to lose money and fail.


Broken down, your reply amounted to:

"I have a different OPINION to you, therefore you are pathetic".

Then the last sentences was just sarcasm, with the intention of provoking another round of arguments. Thanks for your text. Unfortunately, you have added no more value to the debate than anyone else.

Anybody here is just as well informed as anybody else, so quit with the self-righteousness attitude, and maybe grow up a little bit.
Quote from Lateralus :How MotoGP works doesn't mean shit. F1 is not MotoGP; they're very different and they always will be. Taking cues from another series "because they have lots of overtaking!" and applying them to F1 is not a good idea. Grand prix racing is unique in motorsport and has to be addressed and managed as such.

EDIT: Posting in all caps (and not being able to spell simple words) doesn't help your argument. In fact it makes you look stupid.

Please explain what Hamilton was doing in Belgium, and Germany then? He sure didn't look like a driver who was settling for second!

There isn't a difference between MotoGP and F1 in regards to this ruling and how it affects racing. Point difference is the same, and they have a similar number of rounds. Risk and reward is pretty much identical! In fact the risk of racing in MotoGP is higher because you can easily end up braking your neck if you race to hard!

This will not encourage more overtaking at all, it could potentially have the opposite effect. It completely devalues 3rd 4th and 5th so they won't be worth fighting for. What would be the point fighting for a podium... just bring the car home without damage and a broken engine. Great!

The reason F1 hasn't seen much overtaking is because it was nigh on physically impossible to do so. The cars were wrong, not the drivers.

You provide NO evidence to suggest it will improve the racing other than 'more incentive'. The incentive has, and always will be there to go for the win.
Quote from dawguk :EXPLETIVE OVERLOAD.

Broken down, your reply amounted to:

"I have a different OPINION to you, therefore you are pathetic".

Again, bullshit. Notice how the word "pathetic" was in reference to those idiots who think this a giant conspiracy. Because they are pathetic. I never implied that anyone who happens to disagree must be a conspiracy theorist or must be stupid. In fact I specifically denied that earlier on. I didn't imply that at all, you inferred it.

Quote from dawguk :
Then the last sentences was just sarcasm, with the intention of provoking another round of arguments.

I'm impressed at your ability to pick up on extreme sarcasm. Who the hell would actually think I was being serious there and actually try to argue against it? It was a joke. Lighten up, Francis.
And don't start with the "there are still points to be had for the incentive to drive for a podium", because that is rubbish. The fans, like the teams, don't really care that much about the constructors championship, and nobody cares about 2nd or below. The drivers championship is the main championship, and that is now out of reach of approximately 82% of F1 drivers (18 out of 22 as a rough calculation - some years it'll be more, some years it'll be less). So for those 82% of drivers they just drive around pointlessly, just putting miles on the car and preparing for the following year in the hope they can overturn the established winners. Big whoop.
Quote from Intrepid :MotoGp has the same percentage difference as F1. Are you saying their system is flawed too?

Yes. Every system is flawed in at least one way or another. It is easier to overtake on bikes for a start, Formula 1 is renowned for being one of the series where it is hardest to overtake; therefore a driver needs more incentive to put in a risky move. Every point does count still - remember, it is much easier for 2 drivers to be tied on wins at the end of the season than it is points - a driver would look pretty stupid if they lost it on points countback at the end thanks to all the times they saved the car and didn't try for any points.

I'm not going to pretend I like this system - hell if it were upto me I'd be using the 15-12-10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 plus 1 for pole and 1 for FL - but I'm certainly not going to shoot it down before even the first race, nevermind the first season. To be honest, series that have reverse grids (GP2, WTCC etc.) are a much greater injustice than a system that still rewards winners.