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Jean Todt Leaves Ferrari
(8 posts, started )
Jean Todt Leaves Ferrari
#2 - SamH
There are two possible scenarios that spring to my mind:

1) Jean Todt leaves Ferarri to provide "separation" before taking on the role of FIA president, promised to him in exchange for shafting the other teams that were forming the break-away F1 and signing the Concorde agreement.

2) Jean Todt leaves Ferarri because he's incompatible with the de-sleaze cleaning operation that Di Montezemolo is performing at Ferrari, equalizing Ferarri's position in Formula 1 with that of other teams.

I'm hoping it's the latter. So far Di Montemezolo has done a lot to stop my utter despising of Ferarri for its history of backroom F1 dealings. Jean Todt was very much a driving force behind the whole sleaze thing that's driven me to the point of abandoning F1 in disgust a dozen times or more in the past.
#3 - DeKo
I dont understand why somebody so biased towards ferrari could ever become FIA president?
And tomorrow there will be a news item titled "Todt moves to BrawnGP"...

Either that, or he'll be the next head honcho of the FIA, and the whole Ferrari Internation Assistance namecalling starts all over again.
Or take his millions and live his life.
no shock there that he's leaving them..... was inevitable really.
Oh noes.
Quote from TagForce :And tomorrow there will be a news item titled "Todt moves to BrawnGP"...

exactly my first thought.

Jean Todt Leaves Ferrari
(8 posts, started )