Sorry, but I have to say this:

I'm lovin' it. Had some proper races in the BF1 earlier, and it's awesomely awesome, in Awesomeville on national Awesome day when you've been chatting to someone called awesome about awesome things. I love it.
It's NOT perfect, it's NOT finished and there are a few things that still annoy me. But one small step for Scawen, one giant leap for LiveforSpeed (might have printed on a T-Shirt :S)
Hopefully it'll calm down soon, and we can all go about getting a good mix of racing (except the ovalers) on lots of servers in lots of cars. I'm trying as many as I can, but there's so many combos. Still haven't taken the BF1 around Eau Rouge the right way, nor had a fling with GTR's at KY National etc etc. And for nearly 8 hours I had a world record (damn Renku).