Greatest Rock Guitar Solos of All Time
(62 posts, started )
hmmm solo means the guitar on its own, so i guess anyone with a band playing the backing or simular...
#53 - Ziil
Quote from Joe_Keaveney :My nomination -

Surfing with the Alien by Joe Satriani

Here's another JS great...

Quote from kingfag :A guitar solo topic isnt complete without these two:

Comfortably numb (skip to 4:26)

Still Gives me goosebumps

Quote from RossUK :Some of my favs:

Gary Moore - Parisienne Walkways (live)

Another good choice

Quote from batteryy :roope latvala ftw (skip to 0.50)

Hmmmm.. sorry that's a fail.. just some guy doing fast scales with a load of distortion no creativity in that that at all IMO.

Some of my faves:

Another brick in the wall pt 2 (4:25 on)

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird (4:55 on)

Not Rock but...

Albert Collins - Conversation with Collins (whole song but especially from 5:00 on)

The late great Stevie Ray Vaughan - only guy who could do Hendrix justice: ... FSr2o&feature=related
#56 - ToJo
#57 - 5haz
I was going to post here, but everything posted here already is pretty much /thread.
Quote from batteryy :well, this than. 2.37
btw: this isnt him, this is the other guitarist of the band

Sorry another fail.. Don't get me wrong I like that genre of music (though I don't think COB are actually any good) it's just it's guitar solos are very often just all about speed and distortion and not a lot else. Music relying on power chords n riffs should pretty much stick to playing power chords n riffs and forget trying to solo IMHO.
#59 - VoiD
#60 - w126

Greatest Rock Guitar Solos of All Time
(62 posts, started )