The GTA IV thread
(1843 posts, started )
The xbox360 version patch maybe?
The console versions have separate patches (because they work perfect for 100% of owners and don't need to have 60% of objects removed to be playable). I know that the PS3 one was to fix a bug with saving online stats. Sometimes you'd logon and it'd be reset There was for the PS3 not so long ago also, I'm not sure what it did though. I do know that I still have just as many objects though
It may have just been an update. My GTA4 has had to be updated about 3 times in the last month. All i have noticed is faster loading times and no more pop-up, which is good.

Also, you may notice how if you scratched your cars bumper, it used to looks like scratched metal, which is odd as most bumpers on cars are plastic (obviously), but now, if you scratch them or smash them, it looks like plastic. Its like a black scratch, but it actually dig's out some of the bumper. The attention to detail in this game just gets better and better.
Quote from Velociround :GTA IV uses a lot of memory, so, if you don't have enough graphics card memory, I'd suggest having at least 4GB RAM, so you can use your RAM as graphics memory for higher textures etc (to play with everything maxed out).
In my computer, high textures, higher settings and max view distance uses about 1370MB of video memory (it's most likely to be more, I don't remember now). My graphics card have only 512MB, but it's possible to use a commandline for making the game use RAM, and it works perfectly as long as you have enough RAM for it (otherwise the game will start using page file and will slow the game down a lot and, if there's not enough page file, it'll crash or have missing textures. It's a completely reversible problem though).

I downgraded from a 768 MB to a 512 MB card, however I do have 6 GB of RAM - Might acquire a demo :P

Can you show me the link to the command line memory thingy please?
Of course ... s/showthread.php?t=761829
This is the list of command lines of the game, and since I couldn't find a place explaining how to use them (this link's explanation is wrong, it didn't work for me), I'll explain it:

1) Go to the GTA IV installation folder (usually C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto IV)
2) Create a new text file: commandline.txt
3) Open it and place the commands you want to apply on the game, following this rule:
-command string
Note: Some commands don't need a string.
If you want to put more than a command, all you have to do is to put a space between the last command's string and add the other command (in the same line):
-command string -command2 string2
There's no command limit.
4) Save the file and then open the game. Editings made with the game running won't be applied until the game is restarted.

The command line I mentioned is -availablevidmem string . Its string is a multiplier, so 2 = video memory x 2.

I have 512MB of video memory too but I only have 2GB RAM, so I'm using "2" multiplier so it uses the vmemory plus 512MB of RAM for graphics (remember the game already uses some RAM for its engine and game files, so people with low ammount of RAM shouldn't set it to use the whole RAM ammount). It's not your case though

Note: I don't recommend using the commands "nomemrestrict" and "norestrictions" because they can mess the game settings and cause "pop-ups", random texture disappearing etc. Using these two commands alone to set higher graphics on the settings won't make the game use RAM for graphics.
gta keeps crashing on me. It just froze up on me after a long mission -_-
Quote from Gabkicks :gta keeps crashing on me. It just froze up on me after a long mission -_-

Go to the "Game" tab in options, and make sure that "Clip Capture" is turned OFF!!!! (sounds to me like the famous memory leak bug!)
could it be that i have too many clips saved? I'll try turning it off
Quote from Gabkicks :could it be that i have too many clips saved? I'll try turning it off

Not the fact tht you have too many saved..its the way it stacks up the clips continuusly in RAM...keeps putting more in, but doesnt empty the unused bits properly...result, RAM usage keeps going up...and up...and up...and CRASH!
(Well documented bug on most of the GTA foumz btw!)
Thanks a lot. I'm really very curious to see what are the changes on it, and how it will perform. Thanks

WOW! It seems Rockstar finally fixed it and brought back the props!
Downloading it, I'm very excited about this patch
Meh, patch only messes up the whole thing for me

After loading the game I get a CTD, seems like quite a lot of people do. No response from Rockstar, as always...
Wow congratulations Rockstar you have managed to make another patch that craps the game up even more!

I get about 5FPS more but now it stutters all the time and is pretty much unplayable.

I need to try the new ATI drivers but I don't hold much hope.

Looking on the GTA forums it seems I'm not the only one with trouble, another slap in the face for PC users¡
I think it is more a slap in the face for ATI users cause it runs perfectly on my Nvida 9800GT
Quote from Luke.S :I think it is more a slap in the face for ATI users cause it runs perfectly on my Nvida 9800GT

Could be true...No noticeable problems yet..played for about 90 mins solid last night after installing the patch...doesnt seem to be ENOUGH of an improvement to warrant the long wait though
Lovely patch. EFC20 error.
Game won't even start for me now. Well done Rockstar.
Quote from Bose321 :Lovely patch. EFC20 error.

I looked on the game error database and...
"Invalid resource detected - Please reinstall the game"

If you have any mods on the game, remove them. This is what causes this error. If you aren't using any mods on the game, the only reason this error appears is using some kind of no-DVD crack. Remove it too and you won't get this error anymore
Everytime i look into this thread, i'm sooo happy to have it on xbox360.
Quote from jibber :Everytime i look into this thread, i'm sooo happy to have it on xbox360.

Quote from jibber :Everytime i look into this thread, i'm sooo happy to have it on xbox360.

On a related sidenote: I've got only around 20 pigeons to go before I've got them all! Yay me
Just re-installed GTA and re-patched the game. It now works. My wheel still doesn't work, I still only get like 30 FPS and the shadows still look crap. It is such a shame the game has so much problems bug and glitches and all that... It could've been 10x better IMO.
Got it working now. This new patch is a lot less forgiving of mods. I uninstalled a first-person driving view mod I had and it works fine now

The GTA IV thread
(1843 posts, started )