(70 posts, started )
Right whre's the you tube poem gone? Out of order taking that off!!
good on ya girl
"I still love you, I always will"

That's the way it always is.
Quote from Becky Rose :No I just like to express myself, poetry is one meens to do that. I'd recommend it to anyone willing to try it, it's a marvellous form of self expression.

I wrote an Aisling once, and it wasnt English hating, and it was in English, so yes you could say I failed on that one. Then again it said something that meant something to me, and allowed me to express how I felt over the troubles, so in that sense it was a sucess. Whether Red is a good poem or not isn't for us to decide. I wrote it over a red head, tonight i'll read it to her... The outcome of that will be what decides whether it's a good poem

ok ill write something that means something to me...

roses are red

the skys blue

stop talking rubbish

now let me sniff some of that glue ?

thank you thank you all *clicks fingers *

wheres john lennon on the bongos when i need him the most ?
hehe theirishnoob is it my turn to say fail now?

Anyway here's my take on an aisling, politically it's a few years out of date now but I still like it.
#57 - CSU1
Quote from theirishnoob :ok ill write something that means something to me...

roses are red

the skys blue

stop talking rubbish

now let me sniff some of that glue ?

thank you thank you all *clicks fingers *

wheres john lennon on the bongos when i need him the most ?

Where's your effing manners you effing retard?

If you have nothing nice to say or can't conjure up some constructive criticism shut the f*ck up
0.o at that YT
#60 - CSU1
Quote're just a verbal tumor and I spitt in your face!!!

You really should not give a flying f*ck what other people think of you...

...anyway, I don't do poetry, but the words that best describe me are here for anyone who cares
Quote from CSU1 : Where's your effing manners you effing retard?

If you have nothing nice to say or can't conjure up some constructive criticism shut the f*ck up

and people wonder why i laugh at idiots, i am being productive so please don't stifle my creativity you intolerable waste of organs/sperm/time... i could keep going all day...

Quote :
Becky Rose Woah easy on the flamewar, far better to dig out an old poem that happens to be appropriate

jesus christ...

i thought with the name Becky you where a chick... but Woah... lady gaga's sister is in the building...


dont post emo videos...

Too easy...

i mean...

Have you never heard of electrolysis

Bin laden must be sitting in his hole thinking " ahh... this beard was A totally waste of time *gay hissy-fit * "
Quote from theirishnoob :snip

Mate, take the clockwork motorsports stuff out of your sig, I don't want the team to be associated with your crap. I'll have a talk with lizard.

Aaand you're out of the team. Sorry, but comments like these plus your inactivity (surely you can spare 30 seconds a week for **) just aren't accepted.
Well I could say that I had assumed you where a man, but it turns out your just an immature boy . Personaly i'm not even remotely interested in the slagging match going on here, be as big a bitch as you like, I have never let the hate of others stop me from doing anything and i'm not about to now, and your words stick to you better than they stick to me.

I'm posted a couple more vids later, so those interested can check them out on my channel.
Subscribed, and tin, STFU, and look in the mirror
Okay il just say that I think that site is realy proffecional looking the comics are suckish thow(sorry).

But theirishanoob lives up to his name such a pittyfull guy
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Okay il just say that I think that site is realy proffecional looking the comics are suckish thow(sorry).

But theirishanoob lives up to his name such a pittyfull guy

Do you meen the visual quality or the writing? I has improved visual quality in later ones - but I can't help the script writing that's just me...
Quote from Becky Rose :Do you meen the visual quality or the writing? I has improved visual quality in later ones - but I can't help the script writing that's just me...

Visual quality great story line crapo (lol sorry)
The rest of the site is pretty neat
I feel like making up another one. I'll call it treehouse and girl.

As I stand and you build a house,
up in me I closely watch,
the joy you have and determination in you,
wanting to get it done and built.

Now it's built and climb me,
up to your treehouse with joy,
friends come with while I smile,
I watch you grow in strength and happiness.

Then one day you never came back,
I wait for you and you never did,
occasionally coming by,
then you were gone, my soul had died.

A little boy came and looked up in the tree,
he climbed the first step with awestruck wonder,
came inside and looked around,
my joy refilled and waiting for the laughter.

Sadly, you shook your head,
you turned around and climbed down,
a man with a chainsaw coming for me,
and a tear formed off of me.

He cut me down and shredded me,
but I still remember your laughter little girl,
the fun you had with me, the treehouse, and your friends,
I will always love you, I just wish you came back.
moar poems pleaasee

(70 posts, started )