I created a little program, with which you can choose, which programs you want to start before Live for Speed. Great mentionable thing: Works with CrazyICE's Join2LFS ! So you can run your favourite mods (eg. smokemod) with the great ability to click the "Join"-button on LFSWorld 
Currently you may choose:
•the motion blur d3d8.dll
•the slickmod
•the smokemod
•the pitspotter
•the Ghost Car
•Lights On
•commandline parameters for lfs (e.g. /host=xxx)
•and starting lfs in high priority mode (useful for slow pc like mine
If there are other programs, that should be in - just tell me
use /s as first parameter to start lfs immediatly (no config)
updates since 1.1:
the autoquit options of the slick-/smokemod are used, the ghostcar is in, few minor tweaks and now there even is a readme-file
updates since 1.2:
a few minor bugfixes and you're able to add your own apps now.
updates since 1.3:
Lights On included. Would be nice to have a on/off toggle key for LightsOn though and a possibility to start it paused.
you can download the mods @ http://koti.mbnet.fi/kegetys/lfs/
if you don't like attachments, use this link: http://herki.netzwerkunion.de/ext/lfslaunch.zip

Currently you may choose:
•the motion blur d3d8.dll
•the slickmod
•the smokemod
•the pitspotter
•the Ghost Car
•Lights On
•commandline parameters for lfs (e.g. /host=xxx)
•and starting lfs in high priority mode (useful for slow pc like mine

If there are other programs, that should be in - just tell me

use /s as first parameter to start lfs immediatly (no config)
updates since 1.1:
the autoquit options of the slick-/smokemod are used, the ghostcar is in, few minor tweaks and now there even is a readme-file

updates since 1.2:
a few minor bugfixes and you're able to add your own apps now.
updates since 1.3:
Lights On included. Would be nice to have a on/off toggle key for LightsOn though and a possibility to start it paused.
you can download the mods @ http://koti.mbnet.fi/kegetys/lfs/
if you don't like attachments, use this link: http://herki.netzwerkunion.de/ext/lfslaunch.zip