The online racing simulator
Job application form
(24 posts, started )
Job application form
I'm applying for a job, and it uses an application form, rather than just sending a CV.
You can see how desperate I'm getting here, throwing myself open to a racing sim forum of all places. Anyway..

One of the sections is:

Quote :We would like you to provide evidence of your experiences of the following key competency areas.

Respect for Race and Diversity:

Just what the hell am I supposed to put here? I can't just put 'I'm not racist, some of my best friends are black'
Something along the lines of "Race or believes do not affect my judgement of a person. I do not judge a person because of their colour, race or religion."

I agree with you, it's a stupid question and rather hard to come up with an answer. If you don't mind, what kinda job is it?

And GL with your application.
It's an admin job for the police. Not an officer or anything, just data-input.
Oh. Yeah, I was looking into something like that. The application form(s) are just plain tedious. You have to give them basically your family tree and then some.
#5 - SamH
Do you have a demonstrated competency in that area? It's probably fair enough if you haven't. You don't need to go out of your way to "not be racist", being "not racist" is a way of life and a way of thinking (maybe even a way of not thinking).. whatever. Point is, being "not racist" is not a "thing you choose to do". It's a core part of your personal philosophy and can exist very strongly, without any overt demonstration.
That's the utterly retarded thing. It's a competency-based process, so they want specific examples of me *not* doing something, which is nigh-on impossible.
Just say that you've never been a racist and don't support profiling as such.
Respect for Race and Diversity:
I love motor racing. Having multiple classes on the track at once is great.
#9 - SamH
Best thing I can suggest is to set out your stall. The reason they're asking the question is because they want to know how "not racist" you are. You can't prove a negative - that's basic philosophy 101.

To be able to demonstrate a key competency in that field, you'd have to have worked in race relations in some capacity, and if you haven't then you haven't. Just tell 'em you don't and never have differentiated between people based on their ethnic origin. That's all they wanna know, really.
Funny how you're asking about a race question on a racing forum. Vram vram.
Quote from Crashgate3 :
' Just what the hell am I supposed to put here? I can't just put 'I'm not racist, some of my best friends are black'

mmm tough could put down that you are down with all the homies in the ghetto's off *insert town name here* and that while you undoubtedly disagree with Tupac's sentiments of 'F*** the police', you do understand that there is some underlying tensions between the police and ethnic and immigrant minorities in our multicultural world that we live in today that will have to be worked at from both sides. Also to show balance, state a dislike for Lenny Henery, not because he is black, but because he is a really, REALLY shit comedian....they'll understand.

Or you could say you have black friends
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :mmm tough could put down that you are down with all the homies in the ghetto's off *insert town name here* and that while you undoubtedly disagree with Tupac's sentiments of 'F*** the police', you do understand that there is some underlying tensions between the police and ethnic and immigrant minorities in our multicultural world that we live in today that will have to be worked at from both sides. Also to show balance, state a dislike for Lenny Henery, not because he is black, but because he is a really, REALLY shit comedian....they'll understand.

I love you.
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :mmm tough could put down that you are down with all the homies in the ghetto's off *insert town name here* and that while you undoubtedly disagree with Tupac's sentiments of 'F*** the police', you do understand that there is some underlying tensions between the police and ethnic and immigrant minorities in our multicultural world that we live in today that will have to be worked at from both sides. Also to show balance, state a dislike for Lenny Henery, not because he is black, but because he is a really, REALLY shit comedian....they'll understand.

Or you could say you have black friends

HAHAHAHA That's so epic.
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :mmm tough could put down that you are down with all the homies in the ghetto's off *insert town name here* and that while you undoubtedly disagree with Tupac's sentiments of 'F*** the police', you do understand that there is some underlying tensions between the police and ethnic and immigrant minorities in our multicultural world that we live in today that will have to be worked at from both sides. Also to show balance, state a dislike for Lenny Henery, not because he is black, but because he is a really, REALLY shit comedian....they'll understand.

Or you could say you have black friends

Yeah you are a bit weird but quite funny
or you could tell them about your black latino indian and vietnamese servants selectively chosen from all around the world
Tell them how you adopted 17 Malawians, and run a day-care for refugee children. Or you could say "Is it, coz I is white?"
#18 - JJ72
Quote from Crashgate3 :
' Just what the hell am I supposed to put here? I can't just put 'I'm not racist, some of my best friends are black'

I guess "activists in polysexual interracial gangbang" would suffice.
#19 - STF
Quote from JJ72 :activists in polysexual interracial gangbang"

Just send in a piccy of yourself wearing a white sheet with a white pointy hat on, carrying a burning cross...along with a photocopy of you BNP membership card.
That will get you into Thames Valley Police no problem!

A series of convictions for dangerous driving will also help..especially if you can prove that these offences took place while driving to-from work.

I happen to live a few miles away from the big TVP HQ..snd have to pass it every day on my way to just about anywhere.. Not ONE of the ar$eholes in there have any respect for anybody!
Quote :Or you could say you have black friends

92% of people tell me that their best or one of their best friends is gay upon descovering that i'm sexually wayward. Followed by "I wont treat you any differently [to straight people]" (didnt they just do that?). 5% respond with "me too" and the other 3% would fail this questionaire.

Quote :We would like you to provide evidence of your experiences of the following key competency areas.

Respect for Race and Diversity:

The thing is, be careful not to overstate how unracist you are as it'll make your whole application look like rubbish. I would be tempted to write "I am a libertarian", and if questioned on it in interview say you'll cross reference that in the duey decimal system and get back to them.
In the end, I just stated that I make a point of never judging people by anything other than their actions as an individual, and that when knobheads started spouting off at work about how DEY TEK URR JUURBS I would try to, if not change their minds, at least try to make then see that their point of view was a little skewed.

Using different words, obviously.
Quote from Crashgate3 :I'm applying for a job, and it uses an application form, rather than just sending a CV.
You can see how desperate I'm getting here, throwing myself open to a racing sim forum of all places. Anyway..

One of the sections is:

' Just what the hell am I supposed to put here? I can't just put 'I'm not racist, some of my best friends are black'

put in and i quote " color means nothing to a blind man, theirs one race - the human race "

that oughta stop them asking stupid questions
Metaphorically that really does have a negative sentiment tin, "I treat them equal because I turn my eye and dont see their misdeads".

Job application form
(24 posts, started )