The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Shadowww ::ices_rofl at You've done 6 laps which is approx 13.048799346789301 Miles.

Actually, it was only approx 13.048795036984 Miles
Quote from Shadowww ::ices_rofl at You've done 6 laps which is approx 13.048799346789301 Miles.

Never heard of float rounding, huh, Yisc?

To make absolutely sure, Lapper isn't my application.
It's developed by Gai-Luron.
My input is writing applications inside Lapper like the Pitboard and giving support to people on this forum.
Not seeing any reaction, a small reminder.. : could this be an option?

Quote from YamaSuba.NL :Using Lapper-defined handicaps (car-based as well as userfile-based) on one of my servers I have a request for the !top and !near lists..
It would be nice if these lists could be expanded with the used restriction for a player when driving the listed time.
Would give some extra insight on the value of the listed laptimes given the used restrictions..

Quote from Yisc[NL] :
My input is writing applications inside Lapper like the Pitboard and giving support to people on this forum.

And very much appreciated it is too!
Nvm fixed me problem
Attached files
LFSlapper cheki.txt - 39.9 KB - 350 views
Quote from Kornee3 :Nvm fixed me problem

What's not working?
Did you fill in the admin password of the dedi server?
And in the cfg of the Dedi /insim=29999 ?

#General options #
$Host =; # Host IP. When more network interfaces are present, set it to IP of your host.
$Port = 29999; # Insim UDP port. Open this port after starting LFS Server by typing [COLOR=red]/insim=29999[/COLOR] in chat or include it in config-file LFS Server
$Password = "[COLOR=red]password[/COLOR]"; # Put in the admin password used on the LFS Server

I was asking about drift but after big cheking i found problem and fixed now works, but another question.
How to find script or what who show Drift angle like in demo server fat oil?
Quote from Kornee3 :I was asking about drift but after big cheking i found problem and fixed now works, but another question.
How to find script or what who show Drift angle like in demo server fat oil?

Try this one.
Attached files
lfslapper[1].txt - 40.5 KB - 254 views

I found a little "bug" in lapper.
In the section Actions for pit stop isn't possible to change the var's $PitWindowStart and $PitWindowStop while lapper is running.

#Actions for pit stop#
#Local variable tou can use
#$Work - Work on pit (only for OnBeginPit)
# no pit windows if two var set to 0

I tryed something like this to change the var's but it give a error when i start lapper.
Var $PitWindowStart is wrong type . Need Int32 value at line #4208
Program ended.

#Event triggered when lapper start#
Event OnLapperStart()
GlobalVar $pws ;
$pws = 9 ;
GlobalVar $pwe ;
$pwe = 15 ;

#Actions for pit stop#
#Local variable tou can use
#$Work - Work on pit (only for OnBeginPit)
# no pit windows if two var set to 0
$PitWindowStart = [COLOR=red]$[/COLOR][COLOR=red]pws [/COLOR]; # Is line 4208
$PitWindowStop = [COLOR=red]$pwe [/COLOR];

Don't worry about it too much.
As things are going as planned, a beta of 5.8x will be released somewhere in the next days.
A lot of testing has be done and we (Gai-Luron and I) are confident we can deliver a stable version to you.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :As things are going as planned, a beta of 5.8x will be released somewhere in the next days.
A lot of testing has be done and we (Gai-Luron and I) are confident we can deliver a stable version to you.

will we have to overhaul our config files for the new version at all?
Quote from bunder9999 :will we have to overhaul our config files for the new version at all?

Yes, everything has to be rewritten since the program changed 180 degrees.

New Beta version of LFSLapper done by Yisc ( Scripts and Docs ) and Gai-Luron ( Code ). Download in the first post: test version

Many changes in this version, all old config files are obsolete, you can find all modifications in changes.txt in doc folder

Some changes
- Add include command to include other script into lapper config file
- default script writen by Yisc included in this version
Change track script
PitBoard script
PitWindows script
SafetyCar script
- Use of sqllite3 Database to store Drift and PB file, export file for FTP with .elp extension ( format changed )
- Now all command !command are in silent mode
- One LFSLapper can handle one or more LFS Servers, no syncing needed between 2 or more LFS server
- No limitation on LFS Server handled by one LFSLapper ( Only CPU Power )
- Add a config file with a list of all tracks available on LFS, with length
- Scripting language upgraded, renamed to GLScript. Quick reference docs coming soon
Add Multidimensional Array in GLScript
Add numerous built-in functions. Take a look to reference.doc ( download reference. zip. To be finished )
- New events actions
Event OnNewGapPlayerBehind() // When a new gap are available for player behind you
Event OnNewGapPlayerBefore() // When a new gap are available for player before you
Event OnQualStart() // triggered when qualify start
Event OnPit( ) // when you are teleported to pit shift+P
Event OnChangeTyres( $FL_Changed, $FR_Changed, $RL_Changed, $RR_Changed )
Event OnNewPlayerJoin() // New PLayer joining race or leaving pits ( After Shift + P )
Event OnFinish // triggered when a player finish a race or qualification
Event OnResult // Triggered when result are available after a race or
- Ability to use 1 to 10 PB to calculate an AVG PB
- Lapper can send a notification via mail when Lapper crash
you must configure this values
$adminEmail = ""; // Email address to sent email to
$smtpServer = ""; // smtp server used
$loginMail = ""; // login connection to smtp server
$passMail = ""; // Pass connection to smtp server
- Instance of Lapper will automaticly restart when there is a crash. When it restarts 4 times within a short period of time, the instance will be stopped.
In case of crash you receive a notification via mail each time
- Admin LFSLapper via console command on console windows, coming soon a GUI interface to administrate LFSLapper remotely
- LFSLapper can store your script variables in a database to reuse them
- Add new command openPrivTextButton, to open a button who query an input string
- Add function TextPrivButton( "id_button", "new text"); to change one button text
- Complete Group management system for the authorization to use commands
- In timed button, you can put in string text : %txt% to view the countdown in the button


Yisc & Gai-Luron
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you .
I realy use lapper not airio. Lapper FTW!!!! Keep going guys ir realy was waiting for this .Can we expect multi language lapper in future?

Gai-Luron and Yisc many thanks , great job
Yeees. Good job guys.
Hi Gai,
Congrats matey looks nice, can we import our old PB Files or do we have to start from scratch again?
Quote from Andy King :Hi Gai,
Congrats matey looks nice, can we import our old PB Files or do we have to start from scratch again?

You have to start from scratch again. PB times/Drift scores are now stored in a database instead of a text-file.
hi Gai,
Could an import feature be introduced as very reluctant to loose nearly 2000 drivers stats.

How do I get PBLapTime to display as its showing 104090 and not my PB
Quote from Andy King :How do I get PBLapTime to display as its showing 104090 and not my PB

You have to use NumtoMSH like:

NumToMSH (GetCurrentPlayerVar ( "[var]") );
hallo Gai,
new ver seems promising, after quick look on specs i have "technical" question - is there possibility with new features (stored variables, arrays) to use something like solution for repeated actions?
eg. (fictive syntax ):


if($some_repeated_action_stored_variable($UserName) == 3)


i belive, if thats works, it is very powerfull tool for many applications including pointing system

thanx for development,

Quote from [d9] :hallo Gai,
new ver seems promising, after quick look on specs i have "technical" question - is there possibility with new features (stored variables, arrays) to use something like solution for repeated actions?
eg. (fictive syntax ):


if($some_repeated_action_stored_variable($UserName) == 3)


i belive, if thats works, it is very powerfull tool for many applications including pointing system

thanx for development,


I'm not totaly sure I understand what you want but I think that's possible already. You could use a FOR or WHILE loop and add actions to that when some criteria are met. Maybe you could try it or give a more detailed example.
Hi Yisc

^6" . NumToMSH(GetCurrentPlayerVar( "PBLapTime" )) . "

This won't work so whats wrong lol
Quote from Andy King :Hi Yisc

^6" . NumToMSH(GetCurrentPlayerVar( "PBLapTime" )) . "

This won't work so whats wrong lol

"^6" . NumToMSH(GetCurrentPlayerVar( "PBLapTime" ));

I don't know where you want to use it but when used in /msg it's like this:

cmdLFS( "/msg ^6" . NumToMSH(GetCurrentPlayerVar( "PBLapTime" )) );
Hi Yisc,
Still no joy, heres the full code and its in OnConnect....

openPrivButton( "pos",55,66,90,10,8,-1,32,"^3Your Current Ranking on this Server is ^6" . $Posabs . "&^3Your Personal Best ^3at ^6" . $CurrTrack . " ^3is ^6" . NumToMSH(GetCurrentPlayerVar( "PBLapTime" )) . "& &^3Type ^6!help ^3to see all Server Commands&^3Type ^6$next ^3to view our Event Calendar& &^2Website - ^3");

That chucks an error when starting Lapper.exe
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )