I've also been considering the cost of iRacing. I'm currently in my third week of my free trial & i have admit i'm really getting sucked in, mostly by the content & possibilities that lie ahead. Problem is the Slowstice is not gona keep me entertained for long & after doing a bit of research I realy want to try a full season in the skipy.
I have read so many good stories about the quality of racing in the skip barber.
So to the cost. My trial runs out soon so i decided to go for the 3 months membership & all of the content required to race a full season of the skipy.
After deductions this works out @ a whopping $91 or
£63! & all i am getting is
one car &
two tracks (above what i have aleady).
I know that if you compare it to going out or other hobbies it's not really that much but if you compare it like for like i.e. other sims, I could go & buy myself Rfactor, NKpro, & LFS for that much. Thats three entire sims that will last me years compared to some good iRacing for only three months. Added to which if I decide i've had enough skipy racing when my membership runs out & i dont wish to renew i will lose the expensive content that i have just shelled out for

I could almost justify the cost, but loosing the content that you have already bought (if you do not continue your subscription) is just not acceptable. If I have paid to race the skip barber & i have paid for a track to race it on then I should get to keep those items indefinately. Thats like someone saying "if you dont continue using your Car we're going to reposess it, even if you have already paid for it!"
You cant just take things back from people that they already own. Thats plain robbery!. Imo the iRacing system is to strict & places far to much emphasis on milking us poor sim racers for every dollar they can get out of us. It's to much about the money to them & I find their terms completely unreasonable.
Your thoughts.