The online racing simulator
Announcing Insane Dragon Racing Team
(12 posts, started )
Announcing Insane Dragon Racing Team
=IDR= (Insaene Dragon Racing) is a Live for Speed team . We have existed for well since Friday March 1st, 2009. We have 2 current active members and We are looking to purchase servers for LFS in the future.

In =IDR= the main thing we are looking for in new members is the ability to have fun. We are competitive but at the end of the day value friendship over score. For this reason absolutly NO team drama is tolerated. This creates a very laidback yet fun atmosphere for our members to play in. Like any other clan we value skill in applicants but the main determining factor in acceptance into the clan is the relationships you develope with current clan members and how well you get along with the veteran clan members. We have no age requirements but applicants must have a level of maturity acknowledged by an admin.

1. XFIRE (So you can join the team and the time you spend on LFS can be seen by admins.)
2. MICROPHONE (so you can talk to other members on the teams Ventrilo)

If you meet the requirements above please visit our Xfire site:

Thank You for taking a look.

If you have any questions please contact me on Xfire: ---> devil19832006
Good luck ghostrider an IDR!
#4 - AMB
Good luck with the team

On your pic you look like a wanted peadophile
What a great name for a team!

Good luck!
Nice name, best of luck.

Good pic
Quote from jaws99 :Nice name, best of luck.

Thank You Jaws and due to I posted our team we know have two new members.
Good luck guys
Nice team name
Good luck in the future!
Quote from TexasLTU :Nice team name
Good luck in the future!

heh =) I was saying same

yeah! Good Luck! I hope you can get the access =)
=IDR= is looking for someone that know how to build a Cruise layout (track does not matter) and can make an insim. in return could get full access to server admin and could get high rank in the team (can not already be in another team). We are also looking for more members to help with getting another Server for Racing. If your interested in becoeming apart of =IDR= please visit and place a applaction in teh forums.
Well our site is down but we are still here. If you wish to try to help us get things back up and running please contact me by PM.

Announcing Insane Dragon Racing Team
(12 posts, started )