Strange thing, religion, isn't it. Not quite sure what makes some people have faith and others not.
I'm agnostic also, you can't prove to me that God exists, but at the same time I can't prove to you that he/she/it doesn't exist. So we're stuck.
And even if he did exist, I wouldn't worship him.
I've always wanted to know - if he/she/it 'did' exist, would God want us to worship him/her/it? Seems a bit self-centred to me

I'm sure a benevolent God would just want you to get on with your own life.
And to those people who would say, 'but I want to worship God!' Well, great - but can you please do it quietly, stop putting 'The Messenger' through my front door, stop knocking on my door promising me salvation, and get religion out of the classroom please because kids need to learn better English...
(I was brought up by Catholic parents BTW so I like to think I've arrived at my view all on my own

If your faith makes YOU happy though, then that's great