The online racing simulator
S2 License warning message
(29 posts, started )
S2 License warning message
Hi all,
First of all, i am a demo user and i'm asking for a friend of mine, who has a S2 license. So please don't write any smart messages like "you are a demo user bla bla.. "

As i said, my friend owned a S2 license. When he logged in at and go to the status section, he gets a warning message:"Number of available unlocks: 1"

What does it mean? Is it forbidden to unlock S2 first and return demo license, than unlock S2 again? Or did someone got his password and logged in from an another computer?

I think the first one can not be the reason, because if i can not lock my S2 license whenever i want, it is pointless to have a license

Thank you all for your help.
#2 - Nobo
There is no reason to go from demo to S2 all the time as you dont need to go back to demo to race on demo servers.
On the other hand you get a fresh unlock once a week, so i don't understand the problem.

You can have a separate LFS install on your hard drive for another demo account. So no need to lock and unlock even with 2 players (1 demo and 1 licence) on a computer.
no, you get 3 LFS unlocks when you buy the game, you get 1 extra unlock every week. This prevents from Unlocking the license too much times. Extra unlocks may be requested from LFS Developers. (I recommend contacting Victor for that)

E: 5 posts on same minute, nice
You have got 3 unlocks per week. If you unlock it during the week, the amount will decrease and next week you will have 3 unlocks again.
Quote from beatlemaniac :

As i said, my friend owned a S2 license. When he logged in at and go to the status section, he gets a warning message:"Number of available unlocks: 1"

What does it mean? Is it forbidden to unlock S2 first and return demo license, than unlock S2 again? Or did someone got his password and logged in from an another computer?

You don't need to lock LFS before joining a demo server.

Quote :I think the first one can not be the reason, because if i can not lock my S2 license whenever i want, it is pointless to have a license

You start off with three unlocks, you initially use one so you then end up with two. If you have less than two, you get a new one every week.
When you buy a licence you get 3 unlocks. And if you don´t have 2 unlocks left you get one every Friday.

No! got beaten :-(
(EliteAti) DELETED by EliteAti
5 posts in 1 min .
no messing around , like the pub quiz team , bang get in there
#8 - AMB
5 Messages in the same minute
(jwardy) DELETED by jwardy
Quote from beatlemaniac :I think the first one can not be the reason, because if i can not lock my S2 license whenever i want, it is pointless to have a license

you're not sharing the account are you? if you are, that's a no-no.
Whats the problem? He can see with friends account that S2 really is so much better than demo and worth it and then he can buy S2 without thinking, buy it or not.
but sharing your licenze with others is illegal
Has anyone had the radical thought that maybe the OP's friend, who we can assume is also from turkey, isn't very good at speaking, or typing in english so he has got someone else to ask the question for him?? There isn't always an ulterior motive.
Quote from oldnavy :but sharing your licenze with others is illegal

A lil' offtopic, but - why? I have paid for it, so i think im able to give my s2 for everyone i want. I have given my s2 to my friend, so he was able to test s2 content, and now he has bought his own s2. And nothing bad happened, everyone is still alive, world isnt destroyed, cars arent flying and i still have my s2 account!
Where is the problem about this?
Sorry for mistakes.
The problem is your breaking the EULA that you've agreed to when purchasing LFS and pretty much most software/music/games out there have a similar statement.
Quote from keiran :The problem is your breaking the EULA that you've agreed to when purchasing LFS and pretty much most software/music/games out there have a similar statement.


You breaking laws, and rules when you drop litter, run trough on red light, download games, musics or movies. Who care about a small EULA. Honestly there is anyone reeded it trough???
#16 - SamH
Quote from richukss :A lil' offtopic, but - why? I have paid for it, so i think im able to give my s2 for everyone i want.

What kind of twisted mentality is it that thinks that once you buy something, it becomes okay to steal more to give to your friends? Are you really so deficient in the concepts of right and wrong?
Quote from AtTilA08 :And??? [..] Who care

SamH posted in this thread, should be locked soon.
LFS's EULA is probably the shortest one I've ever seen and you say can't be bothered to read that bit?
Honestly there's no way for the devs to enforce their EULA unless they restrict your use of LFS to a single IP address. So there goes the EULA...

But why would I wanna share my license? That's what you have to ask yourself. Especially with someone you don't trust? What if they get you banned from all servers? Then what? You've got a useless license, and you've got a bad name. And it would be YOUR fault for giving away your license. So don't share your license.
I just looked at the OP's original question and i don't see any mention of sharing licenses, just a question about unlocks??
Quote from danthebangerboy :I just looked at the OP's original question and i don't see any mention of sharing licenses, just a question about unlocks??

Oh don't worry, that's just the LFS Forum's demo police. They regularly stop innocent demo users and accuse them of various crimes to do with licenses. Don't worry, after a while you'll learn to ignore them too
Quote from AtTilA08 :And???

You breaking laws, and rules when you drop litter, run trough on red light, download games, musics or movies. Who care about a small EULA. Honestly there is anyone reeded it trough???

Maybe in Hungary its OK to be as stupid as your post makes you out to be, not a great ambassidor for your country.

Quote from jwardy :5 posts in 1 min .
no messing around , like the pub quiz team , bang get in there

Stealing the lines from Jason Manford?
Quote from richukss :A lil' offtopic, but - why? I have paid for it, so i think im able to give my s2 for everyone i want. I have given my s2 to my friend, so he was able to test s2 content, and now he has bought his own s2. And nothing bad happened, everyone is still alive, world isnt destroyed, cars arent flying and i still have my s2 account!
Where is the problem about this?
Sorry for mistakes.

Your friend can test S2 at your home and at your PC but not in his home and his PC
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Oh don't worry, that's just the LFS Forum's demo police. They regularly stop innocent demo users and accuse them of various crimes to do with licenses. Don't worry, after a while you'll learn to ignore them too

it's what you get from moderating a forum where almost every single new user turns out to be a spammer... i can't help it. i don't trust or believe anyone.

S2 License warning message
(29 posts, started )