The online racing simulator
What a 106th birthday...
(20 posts, started )
What a 106th birthday...
I wish I was that grandmothers grandchild, then I could finally say "My granny races faster than you, here is a video of her"

I hope I'm that cool if I become that old.
Is fairly cool... but damn she was old..
bet she drives a 106 also... Deffo a gti, cost her about 200 quid insurance ( old age Ftw. )
As someone on another forum I'm on said, they could have given her a cushion to sit on to raise her up a bit, she may as well have been in the boot for all she could see.
Quote from Crashgate3 :As someone on another forum I'm on said, they could have given her a cushion to sit on to raise her up a bit, she may as well have been in the boot for all she could see.

Lol yeah, noticed that too

Anyway, few years back there was also an old person who i think was driven on an oval (Nascar style). Pretty cool
107th birthday
damn! I wish I could do this when im 107 (not 106) years old.
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :damn! I wish I could do this when im 107 (not 106) years old.

Ok ok, it was my trick with you all, I was curious who would be the first one who notices it. :hide: Takumi won.
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Ok ok, it was my trick with you all, I was curious who would be the first one who notices it. :hide: Takumi won.

Okay! What did I won!?
If i were that old and went around a racing track, i would get a heart attack for sure.
What a birthday. Hope am like that when am older
#17 - MR_B
Quote from Takumi_lfs :Okay! What did I won!?

Quote from Töki (HUN) :Nothing. Be happy with it.

Quote from Takumi_lfs :Make me

Back on topic, I really want to know why they had the seat so low! Surely she would have enjoyed it a hell of a lot more to have seen what was going on!

It's fantastic that they could make one of her dreams come true. It must mean so much more when you're that age.
I saw an elderly couple take out a TKM Kart down at Blackbushe a few years ago. Maximum respect!
well, technically, she was 106 at the time. ("upcoming 107th birthday"), but yes it was for her 107th b-day.

I thought this was funny:

"Saluted like a champion, Dulcibella is sprayed with champagne to toast her drive by ex-Formula 1 drivers Rupert Keegan, right, and Jonathan Palmer "

What a 106th birthday...
(20 posts, started )