The online racing simulator
Quote from darkwolf88 :Can someone upload this helmet skin I made? Its just something quick I made because I wanted a helmet with a falken logo on it. THANKS!!!:huepfenic
(I have tested it and it dose show up on the game.)

It shows up for you in-game but not for others.. but i doubt anyone will want to upload it.. Get S2 and you'll be able to do it yourself.
Quote from Sponge :It shows up for you in-game but not for others.. but i doubt anyone will want to upload it.. Get S2 and you'll be able to do it yourself.

I don't have the money for it. Why don't you do it since you have S2?
Quote from darkwolf88 :I don't have the money for it. Why don't you do it since you have S2?

1, then get a job so you can earn money. 2, no.
Quote from Sponge :1, then get a job so you can earn money. 2, no.

Just forget it I will get someone who is nicer to do it. =(
I bet you don't gonna find someone who will upload it. Mostly cus it takes our space for skins in lfsw. And some of us might make our own skins so as Sponge said. Get an s2 license and do it your self. You wont regret buying the license. Yes i read the post about the money. Save a little each month and you will have the cash for it in notime.
Quote from darkwolf88 :Just forget it I will get someone who is nicer to do it. =(

I could've also confronted you about the crap black square with 2 logo's on it, you call a skin, but instead i gave you a good advise, and i thought a simple no would be sufficient enough to get my point across. So good luck with finding someone to upload your 'skin'.

Quote from MMMaaaXXX :I bet you don't gonna find someone who will upload it. Mostly cus it takes our space for skins in lfsw. And some of us might make our own skins so as Sponge said. Get an s2 license and do it your self. You wont regret buying the license. Yes i read the post about the money. Save a little each month and you will have the cash for it in notime.

Just putting aside a few bucks each month, do some stuff around the house etc. you'll have the cash in no time..

We -well me at least- as paying user(s) aren't (is) going to wast our (my) LFSworld space for some (or any) demo users' skins (speaking of which, could use some improvements).
Quote from Sponge :We -well me at least- as paying user(s) aren't (is) going to wast our (my) LFSworld space for some (or any) demo users' skins (speaking of which, could use some improvements).

I'm not going to wast space either. Need it for upcoming skins that will occur sometime late spring/ early summer. Moving to a house from an apartment so have my hands full for a time ahead.
Private helmet skin for Kamo.
Attached images
very nice
That's a really pretty helmet indeed!
holy shit ^^ That's a good one
wow deam nice sweet helmet
Good work.
#666 - fsr
Here's my helmet. I tried to make it look as similar to my real life Arai GP5K as possible. Really wish they could update the helmet shape for the game though, as it looks like crap...

LFS helmet:

Real helmet:

And finally, how it looks in other games who use the Arai helmet model (Race, rFactor etc):
Quote from fsr :Here's my helmet. I tried to make it look as similar to my real life Arai GP5K as possible. Really wish they could update the helmet shape for the game though, as it looks like crap...

LFS helmet:

Real helmet:

And finally, how it looks in other games who use the Arai helmet model (Race, rFactor etc):

Nice! You can find a skin template of Arai GP5 helmet to make it more realistic
Nice job fsr. I like it, a lot.
wow really like it but i´d try to make the colors look more powerful / interesting
Had Button's helmet in the works for a long time, decided to finish it with the new colours. Enjoy .

(Already on LFSW)
Attached images
Thanks Tonix! Nice job
Awesome skin once again man Brawn GP is gonna OWN
Awesome Tonix!

Gettin all excited now
awesome jog, Tonix, as always!!
GRATZ!! \o/

Helmet Skins
(1329 posts, started )