96% in 40 secs..

Is there one which is actually tracks, rather then places
76% in 52.3
67 in 1.02.5
77% in 55 secs

But I clicked one I didn't mean to on one of them!!
100% in 35.3... Too easy.
lol 59% in 1:22.8
45% in 1:51.2
73% in 1.03
#34 - wild
73% in 0:50.3
Beat this:
35% in 1:27.
Yeah im THAT bad in geography.
76% in 1:47.9
#37 - Dru
donnington is not in Manchester!!!!!

After realising that each of my 20 clicks on what I could swear was Dijon (Paul Ricard) where reducing my accuracy score in the corner I decided to call it quits and accept you all beat me.

0% in unclassified
I suck at geography, which is what this test is all about. I could probably identify a track from a small photo or drawing of a section of the track, but I couldn't tell you where it is on a map.