Omg... i don't care if LFS is finished or not, it's very good and it will be better(Scawen has already said that there will be future updates in this year in physics department). That counts for me. So please... stop this bs. Scawen didn't remove that alpha tag because he is a perfectionist, and he is an honest person who believes in something and sticks to it against all odds... (it sounds almost like all that Dark Knight stuff

). Guys, the fact that there is alpha tag is something that does only good for all You who have bought the game. It means there will be at least one update before LFS finish

. Scawen said what needs to be done before removing alpha tag and i believe he will do it. Yeah, it won't take a month, maybe not a year even... and i don't care. 24 pounds was a deal of a lifetime. I like to be part of this community, i come here everyday, i play LFS from time to time and i've never felt that i've lost my money(like when i've bought GTA IV on pc....

, great game.... but i've played it for a month and that's it). Really... all that talk about "lfs dead", "lfs finished" etc... IT'S BORING and it serves no purpose except polluting this forum with useless threads.
AND YEAH.... if you're bored... play some other game from time to time.... and if You're playing only LFS... then DAMN! IT IS REALLY GOOD THEN, ISN'T IT? 24 pounds for the only game worth of playing. Btw. Yeah... i don't have anything else to play :P.