The online racing simulator
1st Drift Track.
(8 posts, started )
1st Drift Track.
This is just a random drift track i made. I dont know if im allowed to make them but yea i downloaded the programme and was bored so tryed making a track so well yea i hope its working fine and well yeaa. If im alowed to ill make more in the future.
Thanks. ... 0/crazyjoshua/mytrack.jpg
[url="file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Joshua/Desktop/lfs/data/layout/Random%20Track.lyt"] Random Track.lyt[/url]
Attached files
Random Track.lyt - 12 B - 635 views
Yes your allowed to make Layouts with Optional programms.
but you cant: Use/Test them...

So.. erm yea it will be better if you buy S2 then you get all cars an you can make better layouts

Edit: ah i see u dont got it easy to buy S2
Quote from Heiko1 :Yes your allowed to make Layouts with Optional programms.
but you cant: Use/Test them...

So.. erm yea it will be better if you buy S2 then you get all cars an you can make better layouts

Edit: ah i see u dont got it easy to buy S2

Yeea =[ im working oon it though...
Quote from crazyjoshua :This is just a random drift track i made. I dont know if im allowed to make them but yea i downloaded the programme and was bored so tryed making a track so well yea i hope its working fine and well yeaa. If im alowed to ill make more in the future.
Thanks. ... 0/crazyjoshua/mytrack.jpg
[url="file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Joshua/Desktop/lfs/data/layout/Random%20Track.lyt"] Random Track.lyt[/url]

You are allowed to make Layouts with Layout Maker programs
ok sweet has any1 tested the track out yet?
i just tested it - very very tight and u see where the objects go over the white line... that white line is actually a fence xD
Quote from CrAbStEr DrIfTeR :i just tested it - very very tight and u see where the objects go over the white line... that white line is actually a fence xD

ohhhh =p tight meeaning hard 2 drift in? with switches ect and ohhh well know i know its a fence =D
#8 - Silox
Quote from crazyjoshua :ohhhh =p tight meeaning hard 2 drift in? with switches ect and ohhh well know i know its a fence =D

Meaning narrow so you can't throw your car in the corner, ...

1st Drift Track.
(8 posts, started )