The online racing simulator
Please help [with low frame rate issue]
hi guys, i used to play this game a year ago and it was good, but now i go to play it after reinstalling it and i got like 15fps or wateva, and its like so hard to driving its just skippin as if my graphics ****ed
You tried new Videocard drivers? Or maybe a fresh install will work.
Post your PC specs and what graphics settings you're using in game.

Also what AA/AF settings you have switched on in your Graphics card profiler settings and in LFS?
Quote from -Turbo- :hi guys, i used to play this game a year ago and it was good, but now i go to play it after reinstalling it and i got like 15fps or wateva, and its like so hard to driving its just skippin as if my graphics ****ed

Turn down the graphics?
Quote from JasonJ :Post your PC specs and what graphics settings you're using in game.

Also what AA/AF settings you have switched on in your Graphics card profiler settings and in LFS?

lol no idea what ur talking about, how do i get into my graphics card setting ?
Quote from -Turbo- :lol no idea what ur talking about, how do i get into my graphics card setting ?

Quote from TexasLTU ::bananadea

Grow up or gtfo. This helps no-one.

-Turbo-, dude...
Get PC specs..

Windows START Button
Choose Run...
type: dxdiag
click OK to run it
Dxdiag screen looks like this..
From dxdiag screen choose "Save All Information..."
save it into a text file to your desktop or somewhere you can find it

Attach the text file here onto a post so we can see it.

eg: DxDiag.txt

Show us your graphics settings..
Look in LFS at ESC >> OPTIONS >> Screen
Tell us your resolution eg: 1920 x 1080
Quickest way is show us you other LFS graphics settings is show what you have here in LFS.. (ESC >> OPTIONS >> Graphics)

The problem at the moment is no-one can advise you to do anything because no-one has any idea what type of PC you have or even what your LFS should be running like.

Get that info and maybe we can get some more help for you.
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DxDiag.txt - 41.2 KB - 264 views
thought id just take pics, hope this helps.
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#9 - Psygo
Quote from -Turbo- :thought id just take pics, hope this helps.

Your graphics card is a little slow....
So that's an integrated graphics chip. I think. So you don't have much power for graphics.

Try turning down everything to minmum and get your FPS up.
(Note down your current graphics settings so you know what to put it back to should you want to see the differences in both performance and graphics quality and undo the changes I am suggesting below)

Try these settings in LFS....

  • If you have FullScene Anti Aliasing turned on, just turning that off might give you a big boost of FPS.
  • Hi Res shadows can kill your FPS so turn them off.
  • Z-Buffer may not help being at 16, so try it at both 16 and 24 and compare the FPS difference. If it makes no difference leave it at 24. (LFS requires a restart after you change this setting)
Also try these settings.

  • The Dynamic LOD reduction should be as HIGH as possible (1.00), you might get a few FPS back just turning that to "full reduction of detail" which is 1.00.
Check your Screen menu is at 1280x1024(32 bit)
Even try this at something smaller like 800x600(16 bit) to see if your FPS increases much.

Other things to try
  • Defrag your Hard Drive, (Right Click C: drive >> Properties >> Tools)
  • Turn off other applications when playing LFS, e.g. iTunes, MSN, everything.
Then turn up the settings again to get LFS to look as good as you want it without loosing too many FPS.
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Alternatively, you could /facepalm and buy something more powerful.