Originally Posted by K. Tsuchiya View Post
Same problem for me too, I'm on XP so I've no idea what I am doing wrong.
Same here

Edit: Working now, You dont need to change target, Just type /insim 29999 in lfs

i dont know why i never thought of that, thanks, maybe people could do a number shortcut like the ones that automaticly type in smiley and good race, good pass etc
Hi guys i have it working but the needles are a bit off centre to the gauge, I'm using latest patch, has anyone worked out a fix for it? Great work who made these! Thanks in advance!
Found the problem
thx rbarbara5

i found the problem instead of changing the target of the lfs shortcut i just typed in game /insim=29999 and it worked
Other Problem
sorry for bump but i got a question how do i put the fuel gauge i go in the gauge config. file and its enable but cant get it to pop up? lol
Quote from Tits_McGee :sorry for bump but i got a question how do i put the fuel gauge i go in the gauge config. file and its enable but cant get it to pop up? lol

there are other gauges as well, though when i tried them their needles were in funny places and moved in funny ways, so i never bothered with them, just to let ya know, it took me 3 hours just to get the tacho needle right
What do i have to do for three hours to get the needles right? I really want to use this awesome tacho!
Quote from nismoCat :What do i have to do for three hours to get the needles right? I really want to use this awesome tacho!

this needle is already right? if its got a delay in single player just pit wait for the gauges to disappear then join again and it will be ok...if you go in multiplayer and you minimize the game when you go back on it will have a delay then you will have to leave the server and join back
no delay at all, needle just isn't centered in the gauges.
i type /insim=29999 in lfs, and all i get is those 2 messages.
What am i doing wrong?

InSim - TCP : bind failed
InSim : not initialised

I'm not exactly sure where to put the d3d8.dll file, is it the same folder where lfs.exe?

And yes, i changed everything needed at cfg.txt.
at read me txt file,,it says i have to press it many,,how many times do i need to press it?sorry for my english.,,thanks