Quote from Tomson(FIN) :If i would be you, i wouldnt take that chart so seriously
Some of the guys already know why, rest of the peoples can think themself.
But congratz anyway Some of those arrowkart4 records i cant just accept.. IMO

lol, Jealous much? Seriously, why else would you bother to try and belitte his achievement? If you "can't accept" some of his WR's lets see you beat them all. I'm sure there'd be a congrats thread made for you too of course many of them aren't difficult, but he still has the MOST regardless of whether or not much faster drivers just haven't bothered to go for that record.

Arrow karts ftw
[quote=WGooden;1123915]lol, ...but he still has the MOST regardless of whether or not much faster drivers just haven't bothered to go for that record.../quote]
he aint
So, gratz goes back to Wormy boy again haha!
Ouch, pwnt.
can you take the XRR-SoTown one off? im too far from the WR pleeeaaaaseeeeee
lol.. wasn't even a good lap
Quote from [DUcK] :Hmm, maybe I should upload some of my wr's that I kept on my hard drive...

I don´t believe you. I think you just drove them during the past 90 mins. or so..
Haha nice 1 Duck
#34 - Worm
loll and this all about hotlaps
I tried to convince him to load them up again, then i realised he has AS1/FZ5, hows that for a kick in the nuts
Some nice laps there duck Most impressed with the AS National XRT time, is a damn fast lap.
i hope i am not the only one who thinks of the "good ol' times" now.
with some seriously awesome people having their fat arses parked on top of that damn chart. miss you guys. :weeping:
Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :Some nice laps there duck Most impressed with the AS National XRT time, is a damn fast lap.

Thanks! A few... well, most of them were rushed to be honest. As I said they are quite old, when I didn't have any patience
Yes, I'm quite happy with the AS Nation time in the XRT, though there's still time in it. I turned in a little too late on the chicane and took it quite slowly, so made sure I got a nice exit, but there's about a tenth or two left in the lap still, if someone comes a long with a better setup or last sector
Yeah or i come along or something :hide:

Please don't laugh too hard :slap:
LOL pearcy, that last bit is gold. please dont laugh to hard
at least you have a world record
Unfortunately Worm has deleted all his hotlaps due to a new job and no time on his hands
It's best to go down on top I guess . I wish him the best of luck
#44 - Worm
Good job to andy and to all the hotlapper who make a good job to have some reals WRs.
I feel dirty posting in a thread with such fast people. I honestly don't get how you just pick a combo, do 20 minutes on it and beat the World Record.

I bow down to you all.
#46 - AMB
Quote from mcintyrej :I feel dirty posting in a thread with such fast people. I honestly don't get how you just pick a combo, do 20 minutes on it and beat the World Record.

I bow down to you all.

They has what I like to call '1337n3ss' it comes from years of eating your '1337-a-b1x' for breakfast.
No need for bowing here, Jack! We're just a bunch of people who can drive relatively fast on a PC game. Never the less, I guess it does take some talent and a fair bit of knowledge of how to drive a car and get the most out of it, and how to set a car up to get the most out of it.
For me, I'm usually quicker in my first 30minutes than I am after I learn the combo and get into a groove, because sometimes you pick up bad habits. In your first few laps, you're just guestimating where to brake and you do it mostly naturally, and off reflexes, rather than antisipating what you're going to do next.
As far as experience goes for me, I think it's best to antisipate what the car will do, and correct it before it actually happens.. but sometimes that's not the best option because not always does the car do that. On LFS you don't have a great feeling for what the car is doing, so you have to judge by tyre sqeal, corner speed and I guess for me some force feedback helps too.
Anyway, it's all about driving the car to its limit, and not going over it, because that costs you time. You just gotta push it really hard into corners, and then see how fast you can take them, whilst still getting a good exit. I often try to go too fast into corners to find the limit. You'll know once you've hit it.
#48 - Riel
When I see the hotlap replays I always think 'what racing is this', like full lock steering, lucky slides etc It's a great achievement but it is something else as taking your racelines and do 90 consistent laps. It's just another type of playing.

Congratz anyway!
That's true in one way, sure. But I think most of the people on the hotlap chart (up the top) are also really fast and consistent racers. I race with a lot of them, and they are consistent. IMO if you know how to drive a car to it's absolute maximum (sometimes almost out of control), then you are able to pull back a little and drive on or just below the limit during races for many laps in a row.
I guess some people use really small wheel turn degrees, and that makes it look lucky, or even un-realistic maybe
Breadz you got it spot on mate, ive seen improvement just by relaxing, don't get worried about it or stressed because thats when you go downhill. Just looking at the hotlap analyzer can show how much of a bad driver you are technically and how much little changes like hitting a corner tighter can make, its a great tool.

Riel - Its not a different type of driving at all really, the top drivers always have 2 techniques for racing and hotlapping, both are the best they can do in the situation like saving tyres etc. Most of the names i see in that list are actually some of the best racers but theres a few that aren't there ofcourse.

Worm no longer record holder.
(392 posts, started )