The online racing simulator
The Aussie Bawbag - Paul "N23" Grainger!
(138 posts, closed, started )
haha thats gold, still dont think you can beat the original music. goes together like bread and butter
bread and butter rocks
Dinosaur Jet - Makes this thread incredibly awesome!
#135 - AMB
Bad thread, is bad.

I did not ruine it.
The thread you post, dies... simple as that, your failness is just as big as a nuclear explosion, therefore you make a lot of threads fail...
Quote from Danke :I'm a little surprized that the "name and shame" clause hasn't been whipped out in this thread.

Well, the replay/video was provided, and with the name being so obvious in the video, there's little point removing it from this thread. Also this thread is clearly a little less than serious, although has now run its course amd must take a time out to rest. Spam is bad, mmmkay.
This thread is closed

The Aussie Bawbag - Paul "N23" Grainger!
(138 posts, closed, started )