Quote from Koa128 :Hi, it could be useful if you can set up a server with similar racing conditions of the raceday, mainly for lag related testing and stuff.


What do you mean by "raceday conditions"?
Don't worry about the lags, the server is really strong
Hope it is indeed ^^

I was meaning, if your going to be running any kind of insim app., objects somewhere in the track, etc,etc, and let us join it to check the server conditions.

The server is already up and running?
Will the password be the same for the Race or will you send a PW for the Race by PM?
@kola All the information about the server is in the first post

@Snightlo The password will be the same
Ok, tks moi
Subscribtions will be closed at 00h the 9th April!!!
Quote from zockmachine :XRR GT350


D. Potthoff [daniel1992]
P. Rose [chaa]
J. Scheuerle [zockmachine]

lineup and car updated
1 more car for the grid



G.Collar [goncoll]
N.Zappa [zappanico]

There's maybe possible 3rd and 4th driver, I'll confirm that between tonight and tomorrow.

As the subscribtions close in 2 days, I'm going to open a slot in GT350 for you as there are still 3 free slots in GTlight
I'd like to know the full team name plz Your number is 234.
A second XRR
Good new
Thx for all this registrations !
There would be a big race !
Quote from Sir moi 407 :As the subscribtions close in 2 days, I'm going to open a slot in GT350 for you as there are still 3 free slots in GTlight
I'd like to know the full team name plz Your number is 234.

Tks again for that

Full team name is LFS Latinoamerica, LFSLA
Quote from Egon-est :FZR GT350

Estonian Endurance Racers

R.Kööts [VTiRacing]
S.Leemet [S.Leemet]
F.Fredrikkson [kollane]

EDIT: Lineup updated

updated again.
Will there be a remote to watch, or maybe a livestream?

But for sure a tracker, or? And du you post the link to the tracker here at the raceday?
Don't worry there will be a tracker and remote
I'll post it all tomorrow in the first post
But no livestream... It's the first time we have so much success but maybe one day
Quote from Koa128 :


G.Collar [goncoll]
N.Zappa [zappanico]
J.Tincani [taz(!)]

Updated with a 3rd. driver

taz(!) doesn't exist... did you mean taz?
#93 - Aid
is there still free slot for GTlight class?
Elite Racing signed out from the Race. 1 more free spot for any team which wants it. Good luck guys for the race
Quote from Sir moi 407 :taz(!) doesn't exist... did you mean taz?

Sorry about that, it's TAZ (!) missed the space
Quote from DevilDare :Edit - LTGP is pulling out due to our 3rd driver bailing out on us in the last second. I am very sorry but we cant find anotehr driver and if we did, 1 day of training wouldnt be enough. Sorry again.

Updated. Sorry guys.
#98 - chaa
I have a small question... in the rules it's said that crossing the pit line isn't allowed... do you mean both (pit in and exit line) or just the exit line?

Usually (in other leagues like the moe) you just have to respect the exit line
Hello .

We just talk about the exit line too, it isnt allowed to cross it when we go out
of the pit, and its the same for pilots on the track for more security.

For pit in line its not so dangerous, we can see the car in front, then its allowed, but be careful if one pilot pit, when you arrive behind him, not to bump him.

quote : is there still free slot for GTlight class?

We have 3 free slot yes.

Sorry for the rules translation, its maybe not so good, we ll try to improve our english soon..
One more question, during qualification shift+p is allowed? Reset car is also allowed?
